Santa Fe New Mexican

Can world powers curb Iran nuclear hopes this week?

- By Josef Federman

JERUSALEM — Can the landmark 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers be restored? As Iran and six global powers gather in Vienna Monday to discuss the tattered treaty, the answer appears to be no.

Since then-President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018, Iran has raced forward with its nuclear program, making it all but impossible to simply turn back the clock. The election of a hard-line leader in Iran, coupled with a U.S. administra­tion seen as weak in the region, have further dampened prospects for a breakthrou­gh.

The outlook appears so grim that prominent voices in Israel, which pushed Trump to withdraw from the deal, are now saying the move was a huge mistake.

Here’s a closer look at the deal and what to expect this week:

Why did the original deal collapse?

The 2015 agreement between Iran and world powers — spearheade­d by President Barack Obama — aimed to prevent Iran from being able to build a nuclear bomb. It offered Iran relief from crippling economic sanctions in exchange for curbs of 10 to 15 years on its nuclear activities. Iran says its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.

Critics, led by then-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, assailed the deal because the restrictio­ns on Iran were temporary. They also complained it did not address Iran’s non-nuclear military activity — such as its support for hostile militant groups and developmen­t of long-range missiles.

When Trump withdrew, with strong urging from Netanyahu, he promised a campaign of “maximum pressure” on Iran. However, the approach appears to have backfired. Despite increased U.S. sanctions, Iran’s government remains firmly in power, and the country has raced forward with nuclear research banned by the original deal.

Can’t the deal just be reinstated?

Iran began exceeding the limits of the agreement after the U.S. withdrawal, and now enriches small amounts of uranium up to 60 percent purity — a short step from weapons-grade levels of 90 percent. Iran also spins advanced centrifuge­s once barred by the accord and its uranium stockpile now far exceeds the accord’s limits.

Experts say that even if Iran were forced to give up its uranium stockpile or halt its research, the expertise it has gained cannot be taken away.

What are the prospects for this week’s talks?

In the short term, it does not look encouragin­g. Heading into the talks, Iran’s hard-line president, Ebrahim Raisi, has made maximalist demands, including calls for the U.S. to unfreeze $10 billion in assets as an initial goodwill gesture.

The tough line might be an opening gambit. European negotiator­s remain confident a deal will be reached in the short to medium term.

But U.S. officials do not appear optimistic. President Joe Biden and his top advisers have held a series of meetings in recent weeks with key allies and negotiatin­g partners to prepare for the possible failure of talks.

Because of Trump’s withdrawal, the Americans won’t even be in the negotiatin­g room. Instead, they will be nearby and work through mediators.

In an interview broadcast Friday, chief U.S. negotiator Rob Malley said signs from Iran “are not particular­ly encouragin­g.”

Speaking to NPR, he said the U.S. prefers a diplomatic solution. But if that is impossible, he said the U.S. will respond accordingl­y. “The options that are at America’s disposal are, you know, they’re familiar to all,” he said.

Given the tepid U.S. response to alleged Iranian military activity in the region, including attacks on civilian shipping in the Persian Gulf and a strike on a U.S. base in Syria, U.S. military action does not seem to be a serious threat. The United States’ bungled pullout from Afghanista­n has further eroded American credibilit­y in the region.

“I’m very pessimisti­c,” said Yoel Guzansky, a former official in the Israeli prime minister’s office who is now a senior fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv. “Iran shows patience, resilience, determinat­ion. I’m sorry to say the Americans don’t show that, and we don’t have a lot of time.”

What can Israel do?

Israel is not a party to the talks, but it has a huge stake in the outcome.

It considers Iran to be its No. 1 enemy and views a nuclear-armed Iran as an existentia­l threat. Israel is believed to be the only nuclear-armed state in the region, though it does not publicly acknowledg­e its own arsenal.

Netanyahu’s successor, Naftali Bennett, has been careful not to clash with Biden in public. But his positions are similar to Netanyahu’s. He has expressed hope an improved deal would emerge from the talks but reiterated Israel’s longstandi­ng threat to take unilateral action if necessary.

“We will maintain our freedom to act,” he said last week. On Sunday, he said Israel is “very disturbed” by what he sees as a willingnes­s by the global powers to lift sanctions and reinstate “insufficie­nt restrictio­ns in the nuclear sphere.” He said Israel has been passing this message to all concerned parties.

Despite such threats, Israel might hesitate. Iran has spent the past decade scattering its nuclear sites and hiding them deep undergroun­d. Plus, Israel might be reluctant to sabotage a global diplomatic effort.

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