Santa Fe New Mexican

Wind and solar energy won’t fuel violence


In recent weeks, we’ve watched with horror as Russian troops have invaded Ukraine and committed one atrocity after another against innocent civilians. The invasion has triggered one of the worst humanitari­an crises in Europe since World War II.

Oil and gas supply and revenue are weapons used by Russian oligarchs and criminals, and our dependence on oil and gas is a threat to our national security.

It is long past time to take away these weapons, which are subsidizin­g the war, by accelerati­ng our transition to clean energy.

Not driven by altruism or patriotism, the oil and gas industry may be driving up energy costs by prioritizi­ng stock buybacks and shareholde­r payouts over efforts to make the cost of oil more affordable for consumers.

Even worse, the industry is using the war in Ukraine and the economic hardships many Americans are facing as pretexts for demanding more federal oil and gas leases and permits than it already has. And it has a mountain of them.

Currently, the oil and gas industry is sitting on more than 9,000 unused permits. There’s nothing stopping companies from using those permits and drilling now on public lands. Of the more than 26 million acres of public lands leased to the oil and gas industry, nearly 13.9 million (or 53 percent) of those acres are sitting unused.

The industry’s demand for more oil and gas leases and permits appears all the more audacious when you consider:

◆ U.S. oil production is nearing an all-time high.

◆ The Biden administra­tion already has approved more new leases in its first year than the Trump administra­tion did in its first three.

◆ While 90 percent of domestic production occurs on non-federal lands, there is more oil flowing from federal lands now than at any point since at least 2003.

◆ The fact is, we will not achieve true energy independen­ce — reliable, affordable, and sustainabl­e energy delivered across the country — as long as we keep putting ourselves at the mercy of the oil and gas industry and the volatile global market it’s hitched to.

Instead of using this internatio­nal crisis to continue enriching oil and gas executives and making ourselves more dependent on fossil fuels, we should instead be recommitti­ng ourselves to renewable energy sources. Only then will we achieve true energy independen­ce, have domestic control over the price of the energy we use, and stop empowering the likes of Russia and other petrostate­s capable of inflicting the sort of devastatio­n we’re seeing in Ukraine.

Oil and gas causes violence, war and climate catastroph­e.

Susan Martin is chair of the Rio Grande Chapter, Sierra Club. A Santa Fe resident since 1983, she has worked as attorney for the U.S. House of Representa­tives, Energy and Commerce Committee, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, as well as planner director at the former Environmen­tal Improvemen­t Division of the New Mexico Department of Health.

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