Santa Fe New Mexican

Living in a toxic home


Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I used to live with my dad, until his girlfriend kicked us out because of her daughter. It was over a trivial video game controller.

That was her excuse, but before that, at a time when I had cancer, I discovered that his girlfriend was cheating on him. Of course, I told my dad, and he confronted her. Now she won’t even talk to me. But they still live together because they have three children together. The children are teens now, but when they are home, they feel sad, probably because Mom and Dad don’t talk or sleep together anymore.

My dad and his girlfriend are living in the same house, but they avoid each other. I feel bad for my dad and the teens. I have helped him raise those teens because he was a stay-at-home dad. How can I protect him? — Wanting to Protect

Dear Protect: Talk about a toxic living environmen­t for all parties involved. Continue to encourage your father to seek profession­al help, both for himself and for his marriage.

Dear Annie: My fiance and I have been together for nine and a half years. I love him with all my heart. I moved in with him five years ago into my own room. At the time, I thought nothing of it because he had just undergone hip replacemen­t surgery, and I figured it would be better for him if I were there to help. The problem is that we still sleep in separate rooms and haven’t had sex in five years, and he almost never kisses me good night.

We are both 58 years old. I still have a sex drive — always have — while he has no interest in sex. He makes up excuses, blaming his medication or saying that he doesn’t feel that way anymore.

What should I do? — Is It Over?

Dear Over: Not sure if it’s over, but it certainly needs some tending to. While the grass is not usually greener on the other side, it is greenest where it is watered. You deserve more affection, and he does as well. Seek the help of a profession­al marriage counselor.

Dear Annie: The letter about the woman whose house has bedbugs really caught my attention. We moved into a house that was infested, which we did not know until after we had moved in. We discovered that the service required for bedbugs treatment is beyond the scope of what a basic cleaning company provides. Profession­al pest control treatment is necessary.

We were told that the best approach, requiring the least amount of preparatio­n by the homeowner, is heat treatment. I do not remember the details, but it only required leaving the house for a day while the house was heated by profession­als. It was a one-time treatment. — Happy

Dear Happy: Congrats on your new house, and I’m glad they are all gone.

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