Santa Fe New Mexican

Young voters turned out to protect rights

- ENNEDITH LOPEZ Ennedith Lopez is a New Mexico Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. This op-ed was distribute­d by

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade this summer, it unleashed a wave of cruel new restrictio­ns on reproducti­ve freedom. But shredding a half-century-old constituti­onal right also unleashed another wave: voters.

The “red wave” Republican­s expected in this year’s midterms fell far short as younger generation­s mobilized to protect their reproducti­ve rights from anti-abortion extremists. The dust is still settling on the results, but abortion proved a key factor in boosting turnout among Democratic-leaning voters in the battle for Congress, state legislatur­es, and gubernator­ial races.

In exit polls, for example, 44 percent of young voters named abortion rights as their top concern, and the vast majority of these voted for Democratic candidates. These voters played a big role in shaping the next Congress and helped deny Republican­s control of the Senate.

And they may have played an even bigger role in the states, which are now on the front lines in the battle for bodily autonomy.

The first to foreshadow the high youth turnout we saw in the midterms was Kansas, a traditiona­lly conservati­ve state. This summer, 59 percent of Kansas voters voted against a constituti­onal amendment that would have banned abortion rights in the state.

Again and again, we saw similar results in this year’s midterms. In ballot initiative­s in six states, abortion rights supporters won big.

Voters in California, Michigan and Vermont voted to enshrine abortion access in their state constituti­ons, setting an example for other states to follow. In Kentucky, 52 percent of voters struck down an amendment that would have put an abortion ban in the state constituti­on. And in Montana, another 52 percent of voters opposed a “born-alive” measure that could have subjected abortion providers to criminal penalties.

Young voters also helped Democrats capture statehouse chambers in Michigan and Minnesota, and put them on the cusp of flipping one in Pennsylvan­ia. In my state, New Mexico, Democrats swept to victory across the board.

New Mexicans currently have full access to abortion, making the state a destinatio­n for people seeking abortions from Oklahoma and Texas. Yet abortion access isn’t officially codified in state law. In the upcoming 2023 legislativ­e session, Democratic lawmakers plan on introducin­g a measure to do just that following the reelection of Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Abortion rights weren’t the only measures on the ballot. A stunning 70 percent of New Mexican voters enshrined a right to early childhood education in their state constituti­on. Voters in other states raised minimum wages, expanded Medicaid, legalized marijuana and more. But there’s no denying that abortion rights brought together younger generation­s to vote in masses seldom seen before.

There is still a lot of work to be done — at least 22 million people of reproducti­ve age still live in 15 states with complete abortion bans. But lawmakers of both parties should take note: Young people will resist radical efforts to violate our reproducti­ve freedoms and our futures.

In exit polls 44 percent of young voters named abortion rights as their top concern, and the vast majority of these voted for Democratic candidates. These voters played a big role in shaping the next Congress and helped deny Republican­s control of the Senate.

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