Santa Fe New Mexican

Search for Tulsa Race Massacre victims wraps up

- By Ken Miller

The latest search for remains of victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre has ended with 32 additional caskets discovered and eight sets of remains exhumed, according to the city.

The excavation and exhumation­s at Tulsa’s Oaklawn Cemetery that began Oct. 26 ended Friday and the remains were sent to a nearby lab for analysis and DNA collection.

Searchers sought unmarked graves of people who were probably male, in plain caskets with signs of gunshot trauma — criteria for further investigat­ion that were based on newspaper reports, said forensic anthropolo­gist Phoebe Stubblefie­ld.

Two sets of the 66 remains found in the past two years have been confirmed to have gunshot wounds, according to Stubblefie­ld, though none have been identified or confirmed to be victims of the massacre.

DNA taken from 14 sets of the nearly three dozen remains found last year were sent to Intermount­ain Forensics in Salt Lake City for further study. DNA from teeth and thigh bones, known as femurs, will be extracted from the eight recently exhumed remains and also sent to Intermount­ain Forensics, Stubblefie­ld said.

State archaeolog­ist Kary Stackelbec­k said 62 of the 66 burials found were in unmarked graves.

Investigat­ors are looking for a possible mass grave of victims of the 1921 massacre at the hands of a white mob that descended on the Black section of Tulsa — Greenwood. More than 1,000 homes were burned, hundreds more were looted and destroyed and a thriving business district known as Black Wall Street was destroyed.

Most historians who have studied the event estimate the death toll to be between 75 and 300. Historians say many of the victims were buried in unmarked graves, their locations never recorded, and rumors have persisted of mass graves.

Stackelbec­k said the remains meeting the criteria for possible massacre victims and exhumed are not in a mass grave, but interspers­ed in the search area.

Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum said he considers the entire cemetery to be a mass grave.

“Is there a mass grave where there are people lined up in a row like we thought might be? That is not the case,” Bynum said. “Is Oaklawn Cemetery still a mass grave? Yes.”

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