Santa Fe New Mexican

Scammers manipulate algorithms to mislead online retail customers

- By Spencer Soper

Most shoppers are familiar with the “#1 Best Seller” badge that pops up for many products. Along with reviews and ratings, it’s a way to gauge if an item is worth buying.

But sometimes the product isn’t actually a best-seller.

Unscrupulo­us merchants are putting some popular items in slow-selling product categories to trick Amazon algorithms into thinking it’s a hotter seller than it really is. The scam Bloomberg uncovered mostly focuses on smartphone mounts for car dashboards, phone cases and USB drives. For example, one mount recently showed up in the “replacemen­t axle shafts” category. The item rocketed to best-seller status because many more people are shopping for phone mounts than car axles.

It’s not clear how many other kinds of products are being targeted, but affected merchants say they’re losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases and that Amazon needs to crack down before the scheme becomes more widespread. With U.S. shoppers expected to spend $120 billion online this holiday season, scammers have plenty of incentive to game the system.

The product categories, created by Amazon but selected by merchants, appear right next to the best-seller badge. But people often don’t notice the trickery because they’re shopping quickly — an estimated 28 percent of Amazon purchases are completed within three minutes — and because most customers use mobile devices, where the fine print is easily overlooked.

“Customers are less inclined to look closely at details, since they are using a smaller screen and probably shopping and buying faster compared to purchasing on a desktop or laptop computer,” said Michael Levin, a partner with Consumer Intelligen­ce Research Partners in Chicago.

Bloomberg recently identified more than 25 examples of smartphone mounts, all sold by China-based merchants, with best-seller badges that had been slotted into incorrect categories. A magnetic mount sold by LISEN Direct in China was the bestseller in a category for replacemen­t windshield wiper hoses.

The perpetrato­rs win by boosting their own sales, which can jump by as much as 50 percent with the best-seller imprimatur, according to Lesley Hensell, a co-founder of Riverbend Consulting, which advises Amazon sellers. Consumers get played but may not even notice unless the product turns out to be junk. The big losers are Amazon sellers who play by the rules; their products are artificial­ly pushed down in search results, making it unlikely shoppers will see them.

An Amazon spokespers­on said the company uses machine learning to detect products placed in incorrect categories, as well as manual reviews by product classifica­tion experts when needed. Sellers who place products in the wrong categories usually receive a warning, and repeat offenders can be suspended from selling on the platform, she said. Amazon’s bestseller rankings are updated hourly based on overall sales on the site, according to the spokespers­on.

“We work hard to create a trustworth­y shopping experience by protecting customers, selling partners and Amazon from fraud and abuse, and we have systems in place to detect suspicious behavior,” she said by email. “There is no place for fraud at Amazon, and we will continue to pursue all measures to protect our store and hold bad actors accountabl­e.”

One phone accessorie­s merchant, who said the scam caused monthly sales to plunge 50 percent during the holiday season, has filed hundreds of reports with Amazon over the past month with mixed results. Sometimes the company removes a product from an incorrect category only for it to reappear in another category a few days later. Or Amazon responds to the complaint by saying nothing is wrong at all, said the seller, who requested anonymity for fear of retributio­n.

In response to one report that a phone mount received the best-seller badge in the “sunroof” product category, Amazon sent a message saying “we cannot take action on the report as no violation has been identified.” The merchant equated his efforts to stop the scam to “fighting a wall.”

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