Santa Fe New Mexican

Sinema party switch underscore­s obstacles for Democrats in 2024

- By Jonathan J. Cooper

PHOENIX — Less than three days after Democrats celebrated victory in the final Senate contest of the 2022 midterms, the challenges facing the party heading into the next campaign came into sharp relief.

The decision by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona to leave the Democratic Party on Friday raised the prospect of a tumultuous — and expensive — threeway race in one of the most politicall­y competitiv­e states in the U.S. It set off a scramble among potential Democratic and Republican candidates to assess whether they could win their party’s nomination.

And it prompted difficult questions about whether Democrats might financiall­y and politicall­y support Sinema over their own nominee if she decides to seek reelection in 2024 and is seen as having the best chance of keeping the seat out of GOP hands.

Ultimately, Sinema’s move was a sobering reminder that while Democrats won an outright majority in the Senate this week, their grip on the chamber is still tenuous, giving individual members notable sway over the congressio­nal agenda. And it foreshadow­ed the even more difficult climate ahead as Democrats defend seats in seven states, including Arizona, that former President Donald Trump carried at least once.

In an interview, Sinema was largely dismissive of such considerat­ions, saying she doesn’t fit into the traditiona­l party system. She said she won’t caucus with Republican­s but declined to say whether she plans to seek a second term in the Senate. Her shift to becoming an independen­t, however, strongly suggests she’s at least trying to preserve the option.

“My decision is 100 percent based on what I think is right for me and for our state, and to ensure that I am able to continue delivering real results that make a difference in the lives of Arizonans,” Sinema said in the interview.

Her move completes a unique evolution that has both delighted and infuriated Democrats. She began her career two decades ago as a member of the Green Party. Running for the Senate as a Democrat in 2018, her victory thrilled the party and cemented Arizona’s status as a onetime Republican stronghold that was becoming more competitiv­e.

But she’s steadily grown alienated from the party and has been a barrier to some of Democrats’ top priorities. She has appeared at points to take particular enjoyment in antagonizi­ng the party’s progressiv­e base, whose support will be needed to win a primary in 2024.

She now returns to the position in which she began her political career, as an outsider from both major parties.

“She had a choice: either a tough primary or a tough general, and she chose a tough general,” said Daniel Scarpinato, a Republican political consultant and former chief of staff to GOP Gov. Doug Ducey.

Sinema is taking a different route from Jeff Flake, the former Arizona Republican senator who also got crosswise with his party’s base and opted not to run rather than change his affiliatio­n or enter a primary he would likely have lost. Sinema ultimately won Flake’s seat in 2018, but victory as an independen­t won’t be easy.

 ?? ?? Kyrsten Sinema
Kyrsten Sinema

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