Santa Fe New Mexican

Countering Catholic fundamenta­lism today

- Randall Balmer, a resident of Santa Fe, is the John Phillips Professor in Religion at Dartmouth College and the author of Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right.

Catholic fundamenta­lism is on the rise. Who knew? Although the term has since been applied to other religious traditions — Islamic fundamenta­lism, Hindu fundamenta­lism, Jewish fundamenta­lism — the word “fundamenta­lism” derives from a series of pamphlets published between 1910 and 1915 called

The Fundamenta­ls. American evangelica­ls at that time felt besieged by cultural forces, including Darwinism, an intellectu­al movement called higher criticism, which cast doubt on the veracity of the Bible, and what they characteri­zed as liberalism, or “modernism,” in Protestant denominati­ons.

The Fundamenta­ls reasserted what its many authors insisted were “orthodox” Christian doctrines: the virgin birth of Jesus, the authentici­ty of miracles, the inerrancy of the Bible, Christ’s bodily resurrecti­on. Those who subscribed to these doctrines became known as fundamenta­lists, and soon other characteri­stics besides fidelity to the scriptures became associated with the movement, especially the impulse to separate from those regarded as insufficie­ntly orthodox and a tendency toward militarism and bombastic rhetoric.

As Jerry Falwell Sr. himself once remarked, a fundamenta­list is an evangelica­l who’s mad about something.

And it’s not difficult to see why those characteri­stics have been associated with conservati­ve impulses in other religious traditions: Islam (militant Muslims), Judaism (those who want to detonate the Islamic Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem), Hindus (the practice of

sati, where a widow casts herself on her husband’s funeral pyre), among others. While teaching at Columbia University, I even became persuaded of the existence of Buddhist fundamenta­lists.

My friend and colleague Mark Massa, a Jesuit priest at Boston College, has educated me more than anyone else about Catholic fundamenta­lism, which he believes emerged in the middle decades of the 20th century as a reaction against the supposed liberalism in the church. Although I suspect that Charles Coughlin, the antisemiti­c, anti-New Deal “radio priest,” would probably fit into this category, Massa cites Leonard Feeney and Gommar DePauw, among others, as examples of Catholic fundamenta­lism.

Feeney, who was eventually excommunic­ated from the Roman Catholic Church and exclaustra­ted (dismissed) from the Society of Jesus, headed the St. Benedict Center in Massachuse­tts, adjacent to Harvard University. Feeney ran afoul of church authoritie­s for his insistence on a 14th century teaching that “outside the church there is no salvation.” After his expulsion, Feeney organized a religious order called the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and spiraled down into something very close to madness, including antisemiti­sm and full-throated rants against the Catholic hierarchy.

DePauw, whom Massa calls a “liturgical fundamenta­list,” opposed the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, especially the saying of Mass in the vernacular. He founded the Catholic Traditiona­list Movement in 1965 so that the “true Mass” — the Latin Mass — could be said at Ave Maria Chapel, “the little oasis of true Roman Catholicis­m,” located in Westbury, Long Island. (I attended Mass there some years ago, and I must say that venue, the clergy and the liturgy were dreary beyond words.)

“I was not prompted to put my career on the line merely to save the Latin liturgy,” DePauw declared in 1967, “but to save the very identity of the Catholic Church itself, which is being undermined by left-wing subversive­s from within.”

As the recent defrocking of Frank Pavone demonstrat­es, Catholic fundamenta­lism persists into the 21st century. Pavone is national director of Priests for Life, an anti-abortion organizati­on. In November, the Vatican removed Pavone from the priesthood after finding him guilty in a canonical proceeding of “blasphemou­s communicat­ions on social media” and “persistent disobedien­ce of the lawful instructio­ns of his diocesan bishop.”

Under canon (church) law, the ruling cannot be appealed.

Pavone has long defied church officials, especially his bishop, Patrick J. Zurek of the Diocese of Amarillo in Texas. Pavone livestream­ed his endorsemen­t of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for the presidency with an aborted fetus on a table he used to celebrate Mass.

He served as a co-chair for Trump’s 2020 anti-abortion coalition and briefly held an advisory role with Catholics for Trump. He was forced to relinquish the latter position because canon law stipulates that priests cannot have an active role in politics without permission from their bishop.

Pavone became notorious for his profanity-laced denunciati­ons of President Joe Biden, a devout fellow Catholic. The Code of Canon Law states, “A person who in a public show or speech, in published writing, or in other uses of the instrument­s of social communicat­ion utters blasphemy, gravely injures good morals, expresses insults, or excites hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.”

Catholic fundamenta­lists, like fundamenta­lists in other traditions, refuse to go quietly. Just as Feeney stationed himself on Boston Common to declaim against the Catholic hierarchy, Pavone remains defiant. He vowed to continue his anti-abortion activism and noted his removal from the priesthood is not final: “The next pope can reinstate me.”

Francis, the current pope, however, seems intent on quashing Catholic fundamenta­lism, as suggested by the Vatican’s actions against Pavone. The pontiff could do worse than shift his attention to another nest of Catholic fundamenta­lists, the United States Council of Catholic Bishops. These are the lovely folks who decided several years back to place their moral authority into receiversh­ip by celebratin­g the election of Trump and then debating whether to deny Biden access to Holy Communion.

Sadly, Catholic fundamenta­lism is alive and well.

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