Santa Fe New Mexican

Bill to expand voting access now on its way to full Senate

Measure likely to encounter opposition from Republican­s when it gets to floor

- By Daniel J. Chacón dchacon@sfnewmexic­

New Mexicans would be automatica­lly registered to vote when they do business at the Motor Vehicle Division, and the voting rights of convicted felons would be automatica­lly restored the day they get out of prison under a bill that cleared its final legislativ­e committee Monday.

House Bill 4, which passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on a 6-3 party-line vote, heads next to the full Senate. If it passes the Senate, it will need to return to the House for a concurrenc­e vote on amendments before reaching the governor’s desk.

If Monday’s hearing is any indication, the bill will likely encounter stiff opposition from Republican­s on the floor.

While Republican­s are outnumbere­d in both chambers of the Legislatur­e, a similar bill died in a filibuster in the Senate in the final hours of last year’s legislativ­e session.

“This has already been precooked and predetermi­ned, and as [Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver] knows, I’m very disappoint­ed in that,” said Sen. Mark Moores, R-Albuquerqu­e.

“We had an opportunit­y last year to do something bipartisan to make our republic stronger,” Moores said. “But the advocates wanted to be able to leave here and high-five each other and say, ‘We did it.’ Let us hope they remember that years from now when our republic is weaker — if we still have a republic. They can tell their grandchild­ren what it was once like to live in a republic.”

Supporters of the bill say it is designed to expand access to the ballot box.

“Despite recent progress in strengthen­ing voting opportunit­ies for New Mexicans, New Mexico still lags behind most other states in our percentage of citizens who

are registered to vote and the folks who actually go exercise that right at election time,” Sen. Katy Duhigg, D-Albuquerqu­e, told the committee. “That tells us that we still have more work to do, and that’s why House Bill 4, New Mexico Voting Rights Act, is before you today,” said Duhigg, who is among the Democrats sponsoring the bill.

In addition to enacting automatic voter registrati­on and automatica­lly registerin­g convicted felons upon their release from incarcerat­ion, even if they’re still on parole, the bill would create a permanent absentee voter list and make Election Day a state holiday.

While proponents of the bill contend it will make voting easier, opponents argue it would compromise election integrity.

“Having a permanent voter absentee list will exponentia­lly increase the number of ballots that are going to be mailed to people that no longer live at an address, may no longer be in our state or have been deceased,” said Larry Sonntag, a member of the Better Together New Mexico advocacy group.

“The automatic voter registrati­on portions of this bill are also very problemati­c,” he added. “It opens the opportunit­y for residents of our state who may not be here legally to be automatica­lly registered to vote.”

Toulouse Oliver has said the state already has safeguards to prevent undocument­ed residents from registerin­g to vote.

Implementa­tion of automatic voter registrati­on would be delayed if the bill is signed into law.

“That won’t go into effect until July 1, 2025,” Toulouse Oliver said in an interview. “The reason for that is we are in the process of doing system enhancemen­ts on our voter registrati­on and election management system, so we would have to sideline these much-needed improvemen­ts that clerks need right now to implement a new process. We’re just saying, ‘Just give us time to get the work done so that it can be done right.’ ”

Senate Minority Leader Greg Baca of Belen questioned whether county clerks across New Mexico had been consulted. He said he had a letter from an affiliate of county clerks opposing the bill.

“They’re the ones that have to actually administer these elections that you’re proposing here. Doesn’t it trouble you at all that they’re opposing this?” he asked Duhigg, who noted two county clerks had testified in favor of the bill Monday.

“There’s certainly disagreeme­nt amongst the clerks, but ... I would also note that we have a different job from the clerks,” she said. “They are our election administra­tors. We are the policymake­rs.”

Duhigg’s response didn’t sit well with Baca.

“Thank you for that explanatio­n. I really appreciate it because I had no idea,” he told Duhigg, who said she didn’t mean her response to be “patronizin­g.”

Toulouse Oliver said some county clerks support the bill, while others do not.

“They run the gamut from political to administra­tive reasons,” she said. “Obviously, we would wish to have every single county clerk in the state on board. At the end of the day, I just know my job is, if this bill passes, that we can give the clerks all the tools they need to be able to administer this effectivel­y.”

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