Santa Fe New Mexican

Israeli settler attacks on rise in West Bank

- By Isabel Debre

QUSRA, West Bank — When Israeli warplanes swooped over the Gaza Strip following Hamas militants’ deadly attack on southern Israel, Palestinia­ns say a different kind of war took hold in the occupied West Bank.

Overnight, the territory was closed off. Towns were raided, curfews imposed, teenagers arrested, detainees beaten, and villages stormed by Jewish vigilantes.

With the world’s attention on Gaza and the humanitari­an crisis there, the violence of war has also erupted in the West Bank. Israeli settler attacks have surged at an unpreceden­ted rate, according to the United Nations. The escalation has spread fear, deepened despair, and robbed Palestinia­ns of their livelihood­s, their homes and, in some cases, their lives.

“Our lives are hell,” said Sabri Boum, a 52-year-old farmer who fortified his windows with metal grills last week to protect his children from settlers he said threw stun grenades in Qaryout, a northern village. “It’s like I’m in a prison.”

In six weeks, settlers have killed nine Palestinia­ns, said Palestinia­n health authoritie­s. They’ve destroyed 3,000-plus olive trees during the crucial harvest season, said Palestinia­n Authority official Ghassan Daghlas, wiping out what for some were inheritanc­es passed through generation­s. And they’ve harassed herding communitie­s, forcing over 900 people to abandon 15 hamlets they long called home, the U.N. said.

When asked about settler attacks, the Israeli army said it aims to defuse conflict and troops “are required to act” if Israel citizens violate the law. The army didn’t respond to requests for comment on specific incidents.

President Joe Biden and other administra­tion officials have repeatedly condemned settler violence, even as they defended the Israeli campaign in Gaza.

“It has to stop,” Biden said last month. “They have to be held accountabl­e.”

That hasn’t happened, according to Israeli rights group Yesh Din. Since Oct. 7, one settler has been arrested — over an olive farmer’s death — and was released five days later, the group said. Two other settlers were placed in preventive detention without charge, it said.

Before the Hamas assault, 2023 already was the deadliest year for Palestinia­ns in the West Bank in over two decades, with 250 Palestinia­ns killed by Israeli fire, most during military operations.

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