Santa Fe New Mexican

Far-right populist scores shock win in Netherland­s election

- By Mike Corder and Raf Casert

THE HAGUE, Netherland­s — The far-right, anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders was headed for a massive parliament­ary election victory Wednesday in one of the biggest political upsets in Dutch politics since World War II and one that is bound to send shockwaves through Europe.

The result puts him in line to lead talks to form a new ruling coalition and possibly become the country’s first hard-right prime minister at a time of political upheaval through much of the continent.

The exit poll published by national broadcaste­r NOS said Wilders’ Party for Freedom won 35 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, more than double the 17 he won at the last election. Final official results were only expected Thursday.

“I had to pinch my arm,” a jubilant Wilders said. Wilders’ election program includes calls for a referendum on the Netherland­s leaving the European Union, a total halt to accepting asylum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders.

It also advocates the “de-Islamizati­on” of the Netherland­s, although he has been milder about Islam during this election campaign than in the past.

“Voters said, ‘We are sick of it. Sick to our stomachs,’ ” he said, adding he was now on a mission to end the “asylum tsunami,” referring to the migration issue that came to dominate his campaign.

“The Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders added. “The people must get their nation back.”

But the lawmaker, who has in the past been labeled a Dutch version of Donald Trump, first would have to form a coalition government before he can take the reins of power.

That will be tough as mainstream parties are reluctant to join forces with him and his party, but the size of his victory strengthen­s his hand in any negotiatio­ns.

Wilders called on other parties to constructi­vely engage in coalition talks. Pieter Omtzigt, a former centrist Christian Democrat who built his own New Social Contract party in three months to take an estimated 20 seats, said he would always be open to talks.

The closest party to Wilders’ one was an alliance of the center-left Labor Party and Green Left, which was forecast to win 26 seats. But its leader Frans Timmermans made clear Wilders should not count on a coalition with him.

“We will never form a coalition with parties that pretend that asylum seekers are the source of all misery,” Timmermans said.

 ?? ?? Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders

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