Santa Fe New Mexican

Energy conservati­on codes needed for new buildings


It was sweltering last summer. Even with air conditione­rs, poorly insulated homes meant high utility bills that not everyone can afford. Summers are trending hotter, as are heat-related illness and deaths. One action we can take now to protect ourselves and future generation­s is for the state to adopt the 2021 Internatio­nal Energy Conservati­on Codes for new buildings, which can reduce deaths from extreme heat by 80% and lower our utility bills.

Every dollar spent to follow the codes results in over $6 in cost savings through increased efficiency. The codes being considered include EV charger readiness. One of the joys of EV ownership is overnight home charging for less than $1/gallon. If my house had come prewired for a charger, I would have saved a lot on installati­on, too. Let’s support the proposed EV charger codes so every homeowner and apartment resident have access to charging like I do.

Stefi Weisburd Tijeras

More to the story

While we appreciate the article about the proposed AES facility (“Proposed solar facility south of Santa Fe in limbo,” Jan. 2), I believe it is not entirely correct, nor does it tell the whole story. Specifical­ly, AES continues to claim its project will consist of 48 megawatts of battery storage per its applicatio­n, when the truth is, from the details AES has provided and its own expert’s testimony in court, the company actually is seeking somewhere between 141 to 200 megawatts of battery storage.

The article also failed to mention that after community groups brought this to the attention of county officials, AES sued the county for a temporary restrainin­g order to prevent county officials from sharing the details of the hazards presented by these batteries to the public. This is hardly the transparen­cy one would hope for from a company that claims it is both ethical and has nothing to hide. For more informatio­n visit cleanenerg­ycoalition­

Dayna Matlin Santa Fe


Rank-and-file MAGA supporters are being hoodwinked into selling out democracy for a few pieces of gold. The gold in the form of imaginary culture war scraps thrown to them by the ultra-rich Republican hierarchy. Scraps to fuel hate to divide and control. To their tax-free enrichment, these rich few will control MAGA minds and livelihood. By dismantlin­g government, these few will take away MAGA rights cherished in the Constituti­on.

With an economy in shambles, there will be nowhere else to turn but to the rich and powerful.

Harland Soper Eldorado


This is a shoutout to my newspaper carrier, Elida Lopez, and all the other folks out delivering The Santa Fe New Mexican in the early hours of the morning, regardless of how bad the roads are. Your dedication to the customers like me is greatly appreciate­d!

Priscilla Shannon Gutierrez Santa Fe


I was disappoint­ed to read that some state Republican legislator­s believe Medicaid and food stamps (SNAP) may keep folks “shackled” to poverty (“Recent report: N.M.’s billions aren’t helping slash poverty,” Jan. 1).

Programs that combat poverty are subsidized job training, free community college tuition, paid parental sick leave, subsidized child care, mandatory living wages and early childhood education, among others. Medicaid and SNAP are, obviously, intended to improve quality of life and extend life expectancy, not “lift” one out of poverty.

The GOP implicatio­n that Medicaid and SNAP discourage people from accepting higher wages is a blatant stereotype. The GOP should show common sense and compassion by supporting policies that grow job opportunit­ies and free parents from having to work two or more jobs to support and educate their family.

Byron Treaster


Cheap shot

The headline (“Amid wars, flood of migrants at border, Biden’s off to villa,” Jan. 1) was really a cheap shot at President Joe Biden.

In 2016, former President Donald Trump said, “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.” TrumpGolfC­ indicates that while president and through December 2020, Trump made 298 daytime visits to golf clubs and played 144 times. Estimated cost to us taxpayers? It cost millions for him to fly back and forth to Mar-a-Lago and pay for security. Biden deserves a break now and then, and hopefully enjoyed the villa for a few days.

Tom Carr Santa Fe

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