Santa Fe New Mexican

A near miss or a missed opportunit­y?

- Phill Casaus is editor of The New Mexican.

they made it clear this was the best option for the company’s long-term health. What now? Does PNM, still smarting from its Avangrid experience, look for a new suitor? Is there another energy company out there that can or would take the plunge, knowing New Mexico’s regulatory environmen­t is anything but easy to navigate? Would a hedge fund get interested? Somebody knows. Nobody’s saying.

The prologue only exacerbate­s PNM’s longstandi­ng problem. The company has a unique way of enraging some of the people who hold its welfare in their hands. Exhibit A was its willingnes­s to get involved in elections, via contributi­ons, when the PRC was an elected panel. Terrible move, and one I believe proved pivotal in the Avangrid debate.

For all the other snags the merger encountere­d, the poison pill in the whole thing was the PRC’s original denial of the move in 2021. I can’t believe the company’s difficult relationsh­ip with that set of commission­ers, based at least in part on politics, didn’t set into motion a marathon process that eventually led Avangrid to depart.

It’s early, but from the initial look at things, the “new” PRC — only three members, none elected, all appointed by the governor — doesn’t appear much warmer to what the company needs than its predecesso­r. For proof, just see its decision on last week’s rate case. Residentia­l customers will see a decrease in rates. PNM sought a 9.7% increase.

Which brings us back, as ever, to the money. In a publicly held company, that’s game, set, match.

In the not-too-distant future, there may come a day when another deep-pocketed firm decides a utility in New Mexico is worth the trouble. That may coincide with a day when PNM has no choice but to find a partner. When that intersecti­on happens is anyone’s guess.

If the company bearing chocolates, flowers and a ring is better than Avangrid, great. But if it’s not, people may wonder if this was the missed opportunit­y of a lifetime. I do.

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