Santa Fe New Mexican

African bishops refuse to bless same-sex couples

- By Nicole Winfield

VATICAN CITY — In the greatest rebuke yet to Pope Francis, the Catholic bishops of Africa and Madagascar issued a unified statement Thursday refusing to follow his declaratio­n allowing priests to offer blessings to same-sex couples and asserting that such unions are “contrary to the will of God.”

The statement, signed by Congolese Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo on behalf of the symposium of African national bishops conference­s, marked the closest thing to a continent-wide dissent from the declaratio­n Francis approved Dec. 18 allowing priests to offer such blessings.

That declaratio­n from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has sent shock waves through the Catholic Church, thrilling LGBTQ+ Catholics as a concrete sign of Francis’ message of welcome but alarming conservati­ves who fear core doctrines of the church are being ignored or violated.

The controvers­y has deepened a growing chasm between Francis’ progressiv­e, reform-minded papacy and the conservati­ve church in much of the world, especially Africa, where the number of Catholics is growing at a faster rate than anywhere else.

The Vatican declaratio­n restated traditiona­l church teaching that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and woman. But it allowed priests to offer spontaneou­s, non-liturgical blessings to same-sex couples seeking God’s grace in their lives, provided such blessings aren’t confused with the rites and rituals of a wedding.

In his statement, Ambongo said it wasn’t appropriat­e for African priests to offer such blessings because of the scandal and confusion it would create. He cited biblical teaching condemning homosexual­ity as an abominatio­n and the African cultural context, where he asserted that LGBTQ+ unions “are seen as contradict­ory to cultural norms and intrinsica­lly corrupt.”

“Within the church family of God in Africa, this declaratio­n has caused a shockwave, it has sown misconcept­ions and unrest,” he wrote.

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