Santa Fe New Mexican

What you need to know about Biden’s new loan repayment plan

SAVE program could bring some much-needed relief

- By Danielle Douglas-Gabriel

Millions of Americans are paying down student loans for the first time in years but with more repayment options than before.

Chief among them is President Joe Biden’s new income-driven repayment plan — Saving on a Valuable Education plan, commonly known as SAVE — which ties monthly payments to earnings and family size. The White House estimates the plan could save the typical borrower $1,000 a year on payments because it reduces the amount of income used to calculate monthly bills. And some people enrolled in the plan will have their balances forgiven starting in February.

So how does it work? Here’s some informatio­n that could help you decide whether SAVE is right for you.

What is the SAVE plan?

It is an amended version of an existing income-driven repayment plan known as Revised Pay as You Earn, or REPAYE.

A little background: Incomedriv­en plans cap monthly bills at a percentage of a borrower’s earnings and extend repayment periods from the standard 10 years to as long as 25 years, with the promise of forgiving the balance at the end of that term. Payments are based on a percentage of discretion­ary income, typically whatever a person earns above 150% of the federal poverty line.

SAVE differs from the existing four IDR plans in a few key ways.

It raises the amount of income shielded from the calculatio­n of your payments from 150% to 225% of the federal poverty line. The plan also caps payments for undergradu­ate loans to 5% of income above that 225% threshold, instead of 10%. People with debt from undergradu­ate and graduate studies will pay a weighted average between 5% and 10%.

What’s more, you can skip having to manually recertify your income under SAVE if you give approval for the department to automatica­lly access your latest tax return from the Internal Revenue Service.

Will it affect interest?

Under other income-driven plans, if your monthly loan payment was not sufficient to cover the interest that had accrued on your debt, the unpaid portion would be added on to your remaining balance. But that would end under the SAVE plan.

This is the only IDR plan that prevents negative amortizati­on, one of the reasons borrowers can see balances balloon over time.

“As long as you pay what you owe under this plan, you’ll no longer see your loan balance grow because of unpaid interest,” Biden has said about the SAVE plan.

And loan forgivenes­s?

The loan forgivenes­s component of SAVE is most generous for people who didn’t borrow much. If you borrowed $12,000 or less for undergrad or graduate school, you will receive loan forgivenes­s after making 10 years’ worth of payments, instead of 20 or 25 years’ worth.

Every additional $1,000 borrowed above $12,000 would add one year of monthly payments to the time a borrower must pay before their debt is forgiven. So if you borrowed $14,000, it would take 12 years of payments before your balance is forgiven. Owe a whole lot more than that? The plan still caps the number of years to forgivenes­s at 20 years for undergrad loans and 25 years for grad debt.

Starting in February, the Education Department will begin forgiving the outstandin­g balance of enrollees who borrowed less than $12,000 and have been repaying for at least a decade.

How much will I pay?

Because of the higher income exemption, a single borrower earning under $32,800 or a family of four earning under $67,500 would not have to make payments under the SAVE plan, while still getting credit toward loan forgivenes­s.

The Biden administra­tion says people who earn more could save $1,000 a year compared with other IDR plans. Say you owe $25,000 in student loans and earn $38,000 a year. Under the old REPAYE plan, your monthly payment would have been $134 a month, but with SAVE it would be $43 a month. That amounts to an annual savings of $1,092.

Who is eligible?

People with federal loans made directly by the government for their own education are eligible for the plan, as well as those who consolidat­e their loans from the defunct Federal Family Education Loan Program.

However, people with Parent Plus loans are shut out of the new plan. Parents who have taken on federal debt for their children’s education can only enroll in what’s known as income-contingent repayment, which caps monthly bills at 20% of disposable income and forgives the remaining balance after 25 years.

How do I apply?

You can apply on the Education Department’s website at: People who are already enrolled in the REPAYE plan will be automatica­lly switched to SAVE.

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