Santa Fe New Mexican

Nursing home doesn’t offer social life


Dear Annie: I’ve been in a nursing home since I was 60. I would love to find someone to fall in love with, but I have a problem socializin­g. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m in a nursing home. I’m depressed and see myself not having much time to live with my several health issues. I’m wheelchair-bound. I’ve tried spending time with other residents, but they hardly talk to me. As a result, I stay in my room except to go to physical therapy.

I’ve tried playing bingo, but the prizes are junk, so I don’t play anymore. The recreation around here is boring, so I don’t really participat­e. I’m lonely. I don’t have a very high opinion of myself. I’m thinking of going to another nursing home close to my sister, as she tries to come once a week. My son lives in the city, which is about an hour’s drive from me, and comes whenever he can. I have a daughter who lives about eight miles away. I haven’t seen her since late July. We text each other, but she won’t talk to me on the phone. She has a boyfriend she sees.

I cry a lot and sometimes wish I were dead. I really don’t want to die, but I just can’t bear the emotional pain sometimes. I’m on antidepres­sants. I don’t see the psychiatri­st very often, but I see a psychologi­st once a week. I tried hanging out at the nurses station like some residents do. Like I said, no one talks to me. I smile at people and try to appear friendly. I get along well with my roommate, but I need a man to love. There was a man in PT that I liked, and we talked a little bit, but he’s married.

I don’t know what to do anymore. I break down and cry while I’m in PT sometimes. I need 24-hour care. I’m presently looking for another nursing home to go to, but a lot of the reviews are bad.

I think if I met a guy to love, I’d feel better. I have a good sense of humor. I’m compassion­ate, and I love to make people laugh. I used to be a nursing assistant but never thought I would ever be in this position. Please help me, Annie.

— Old and Alone

Dear Old and Alone: You should absolutely try to make the switch from your current nursing home to the one by your sister. This will likely take time and money, though, so while you’re working on making the switch, try to make the best of your situation. Is it possible to see your psychologi­st more than once a week? Or try a new medication? Can you confide in your roommate and take part in activities together?

I know it’s easier said than done to keep putting yourself out there and attempting companions­hip when you feel as if you’ve tried without getting anything in return. But isolating yourself won’t get you any closer to friendship­s or a romantic relationsh­ip. And do remember to show yourself kindness. We attract what we put out into the world — it’s vital that you love yourself the way you want to love another person.

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