Santa Fe New Mexican

Biden, Dems increase fundraisin­g edge with $53M haul

- By Nicholas Nehamas and Shane Goldmacher

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign said Sunday it had raised more than $53 million in February together with the Democratic Party, an influx of cash that is expected to widen the Democrats’ cash advantage in a general-election contest against former President Donald Trump.

Biden, the Democratic Party and their shared accounts now have $155 million cash on hand — up from $130 million at the end of January, his campaign said.

The campaign credited strong support from small-dollar donors for its February fundraisin­g.

So far in the race, Biden and the Democrats have built a substantia­l fundraisin­g advantage over Trump and the Republican National Committee, which reported around $40 million in cash on hand between them at the end of January. The Trump campaign has not released its February fundraisin­g figures but has said it also had its strongest month among small donors — topping the $22.3 million raised in August. Trump and the RNC formed a formal joint fundraisin­g account only this month.

“The fact that we have $155 million in cash on hand — which is 100% going to building out the campaign and focused on the six or seven states that are going to determine the outcome of this election — is just a huge competitiv­e advantage,” Jeffrey Katzenberg, a co-chairman of the Biden campaign, said in an interview.

Trump has been schmoozing with donors at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Palm Beach, Fla., trying to lessen the financial disparity he faces against Biden. The former president is also confrontin­g the financial pressure of his legal bills, which are being paid by one of his political action committees.

Both campaigns must disclose details of their finances Wednesday, with a more complete picture due April 15.

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