Santa Fe New Mexican

Real people lie beneath labels


When did we begin speaking of human beings as members of various categories, i.e., “homeless,” “migrants,” “druggies,” rather than as people in pain inhabiting difficult life circumstan­ces? I am old enough to remember the federal war on poverty before the onset of preoccupat­ion with profit, greed and victim shaming/blaming in vogue since the Reagan era. The profit motive and runaway consumptio­n are contributi­ng to demise of our planet’s habitabili­ty. Social and economic forces far stronger and more pervasive than individual initiative have contribute­d to lack of housing and depressed wages, job opportunit­ies and absence of meaningful work.

Real people inhabit the categories we so glibly label, and the labels turn people into social detritus about whom we need feel no compassion. We may not know how to solve contempora­ry problems, but we can at least care about people as human beings who have been ground down by the consequenc­es of economic, political and social forces over which they have no control.

Lorie Dwinell Santa Fe

Not for us

After reading an article in Psychology Today on former President Donald Trump, 70,000 mental health care profession­als signed and submitted a petition stating he was unfit to be president based on his disability of narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder. Under pressure, he could make harmful decisions — hence, what happened Jan. 6, 2021. Listening to his rhetoric at political rallies appears to indicate his disability has worsened.

If elected, he says he plans to indict anyone who served on the Jan. 6, 2021, investigat­ive committee, naming former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney as a primary target. He has previously stated anyone he considers an adversary would be indicted and sentenced to prison. He has a history of thriving on violence, stating Jan. 6, 2021, was the most beautiful day ever. He chose to ignore the deaths and injuries that occurred because of his actions. His behaviors give clear evidence he is unfit for office. He certainly does not hold the best interests of the U.S. and our allies as a priority.

Alicia Byers-Smith and Kelvin R. Smith Española

Equal under the law?

Whether he has only a million dollars or a billion dollars, Donald Trump has proved we are not a nation of laws, at least not for you or me.

Ken Earle Santa Fe

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