Santa Fe New Mexican

Joel McHale


Q: Is there any movement on the “Community” movie Dan Harmon promised us?

A: The script is “almost” ready. That may not sound like much, but it’s actually pretty encouragin­g news.

That’s because the script seems to be the last missing piece.

Dan Harmon, who created the beloved NBC sitcom “Community,” basically caved to fans’ demands to make a movie after the show ended in 2015.

Since then, it’s been announced that they have a deal in place to put the movie out on the Peacock streaming service (which makes sense, as the show originally aired on NBC). And the stars have all agreed to appear. So, all that’s left is the actual script. But for the famously rewrite-addicted Harmon, who’s writing the film, “almost” done is about as good as it gets. And he admits that himself.

“The script is always ‘almost done,’” he told Variety magazine in February. “What can I tell you about it — it’s set on the campus of Greendale Community College.”

That detail is more significan­t than it sounds, too. The whole show, of course, was set at Greendale. But a lot of time has passed — we’re at nine years and counting since the show’s sixth and final season ended — and fans were starting to wonder if maybe the movie would be catching up with the characters in their new lives, outside of college. This is all very exciting for fans who’ve been demanding a movie since before the show even ended.

It started with a line in a Season 2 episode of the show, where Abed (Danny Pudi, “Mythic Quest”) and Jeff (Joel McHale, “Animal Control”) are talking about what amounts to success for a TV show. Abed suggests “six seasons and a movie.” It became a running joke on “Community,” which made a lot of meta jokes about its own success.

So the fact that “Community” ended after its sixth season only added to fans’ demands for the movie. And it looks like they’ll be met sometime in the near-ish future (though no release date has been offered for the movie yet).

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