Santa Fe New Mexican

Veto by mob — this time at a USC graduation


Last week, the University of Southern California canceled a planned graduation speech by its valedictor­ian, a young woman named Asna Tabassum. My New York Times colleague Stephanie Saul reported the “school said the decision stemmed from security concerns based on emails and other electronic communicat­ions warning of a plan to disrupt the commenceme­nt, including at least one that targeted Tabassum.”

Shortly after Tabassum had been named valedictor­ian, two student groups, Trojans for Israel and Chabad, objected. Her social media bio apparently included a link to a group that condemns Zionism as a “racist settler-colonial ideology.” Trojans for Israel said Tabassum “openly traffics antisemiti­c and anti-Zionist rhetoric.”

Oddly enough, Andrew T. Guzman, the university’s provost, claimed the decision to cancel Tabassum’s address “has nothing to do with freedom of speech. There is no free-speech entitlemen­t to speak at a commenceme­nt.” While Guzman may be correct as a matter of broad legal principle — there is no right to be a graduation speaker — he is completely wrong that the decision to cancel has nothing to do with free speech.

To support Tabassum’s ability to speak is not to minimize very real safety concerns in a tense and volatile time. In February, for example, a violent mob at the University of California, Berkeley, forced attendees to evacuate an event featuring a speaker from Israel. But it is the responsibi­lity of the state and the university to protect both the liberty and the security of their students and guests.

I disagree strongly with condemnati­ons of Zionism as racist, and I think it would be a serious mistake if Tabassum chose to commandeer her commenceme­nt platform to express such views.

But I’m far more concerned about setting yet another precedent showing that threats and intimidati­on work than I am about the content of a single graduation speech. It is exactly when security feels most precarious that American institutio­ns must be most vigilant in the defense of freedom.

The alternativ­e is grim. If a failsafe method of silencing speech is summoning a mob, or even merely threatenin­g to summon a mob, then expect to see more mobs.

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