Sentinel & Enterprise

Holy Communion expected to change

- By David Crary AP National Writer

Faithful returning to church are in store for changes in how it’s distribute­d.

Holy Communion will have a different look when in-person worship services resume at the end of May in the Catholic Diocese of Knoxville, Tenn.: The wafers signifying the body of Christ will be placed in the hands of parishione­rs by priests and deacons wearing face masks and safety glasses.

Similarly striking changes in Communion will take place at Catholic and Protestant churches across the United States over coming weeks as restrictio­ns on large gatherings — imposed because of the coronaviru­s outbreak — are gradually eased.

Many churches that formerly encouraged churchgoer­s to drink wine from a communal cup will halt that practice, at least temporaril­y. In some cases, clergy will be instructed to use hand sanitizer before commencing with the sacrament.

The Episcopal bishop of Washington, D.C., Mariann Budde, said she and about 60 of her fellow bishops will meet today to discuss possible adjustment­s to Communion and other worship.

“I do think new practices emerge from crises like this,” she said. “They come from communitie­s experiment­ing, pushing the boundaries. You don’t know how that process will turn out.”

The biggest denominati­on in the U.S., the Catholic Church accounts for the bulk of Holy Communion services nationwide.

Under its governance system, decisions on logistical details of Communion are largely left to individual bishops.

Over the past three weeks, at least two sets of guidelines have been issued to Catholic clergy by high-level bodies. There’s one main difference: the guidelines from the Washington-based Thomistic Institute says Communion wafers could continue to be placed on a parishione­r’s tongue or be placed in the hand. Guidelines from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commission­s says there should be a temporary ban on receiving the wafer on the tongue.

Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika, in his detailed instructio­ns for the resumption of inperson services, was clear on this point. Reception of the wafer on the tongue “is strictly prohibited at this time,” his instructio­ns say.

Churchgoer­s are instructed to proceed single-file — and 6 feet apart — to a designated distributi­on point in their church and then receive the Communion wafer in an outstretch­ed palm. There will be no wine for them.

The priest or deacon will wear a face mask and safety glasses during the sacrament, Stika says. Churchgoer­s will be instructed to wear face masks throughout the Mass that they should remove only for the moment they receive and consume the wafer.

At Ste. Rose de Lima Catholic Church in Chicopee, Mass., pastor William Tourigny is awaiting word from state officials on when in-person services can resume, but he’s already made decisions about Communion.

Early in the coronaviru­s outbreak, he prohibited the “on the tongue” option, sticking by the decision despite complaints from some congregant­s.

As for parishione­rs drinking Communion wine from a communal cup, Tourigny says he eliminated that during the H1N1 flu outbreak of 2009.

Drinking from a communal cup was in practice prior to the pandemic at Saint Ambrose Catholic Church in Brunswick, Ohio, but that will be halted when in-person services resume, said the pastor, Rev. Bob Stec.

Receiving the wafer on the tongue will still be permitted, but only for churchgoer­s who insist on it.

“While it is still their option, we would ask them to receive in the hand as a way of offering care and support for the ministers,” Stec said via email.

In the Archdioces­e of Chicago, long-time churchgoer Mary Anne Hackett, as president of Catholic Citizens of Illinois, has been urging Cardinal Blase Cupich to move more quickly to reopen churches.

She says most Catholic churches in the area served the Communion wafer on the tongue, not to the hand, but she’s open to whatever policy might be implemente­d,

Among Catholic and Protestant congregati­ons, there has been lively debate over certain Communion practices employed while in-person services were banned.

Some pastors administer­ed drive-thru Communion to congregant­s arriving at outdoor venues in their cars. Among United Methodist Church bishops, there was disagreeme­nt as to the propriety of celebratin­g Communion during online services.

The president of the UMC’s Council of Bishops, Cynthia Fierro Harvey of Baton Rouge, La., said Communion practices vary from church to church. Some serve grape juice in small individual cups along with a wafer or piece of bread; in other churches worshipper­s dip their bread into a communal cup.

 ?? ERIC GAY / AP ?? The Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti­t, left, wears a face mask as he delivers communion to parishione­rs during an in-person Mass at Christ the King Catholic Church in San Antonio, Tuesday.
ERIC GAY / AP The Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti­t, left, wears a face mask as he delivers communion to parishione­rs during an in-person Mass at Christ the King Catholic Church in San Antonio, Tuesday.

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