Sentinel & Enterprise

Biden, if elected, will have much to accomplish on Day One

- Peter Lucas Email comments to:

Hopefully, Joe Biden will be well rested and energized by the time he takes office as president — if he ever does.

That is because he has promised to do more on Day One of his presidency than he has done in the 47 years he has been in government, both as a U.S senator and as Barack Obama’s vice president.

Which is why President Donald Trump’s jab that he has done more as president in 47 months than Biden has done in 47 years had such a bite.

Just what has Biden accomplish­ed all those years?

While Trump, 74, exudes energy and operates at a hectic pace, both as president and on the campaign trail, Biden, 77, is far less robust and energetic. In fact, he comes across as frail, wan and lethargic.

Trump may currently be grounded after testing positive for the coronaviru­s, but even a grounded Trump exudes more energy in quarantine than

Biden does in his basement.

Still, Biden is the rare man who, after undergoing two successful brain aneurysm operations 30 years ago, is as fit as he is, competing for the most important job in the world.

He has promised to come out firing on all cylinders as president and get things done, even if we will be finding lost mail in ballots to count, or contesting the election results in court, or both.

For instance, Biden has promised on his Day One as president to rejoin the Paris Climate Change Accords, which President Trump trashed during his first days in office.

“The first thing I would do on Day One is rejoin the Paris Climate Change Accords which we, Barack and I, put together,” Biden promised.

After a quick nap, Biden would then return to the Oval Office and lift Trump’s “vile Muslim ban” on travel to the

U.S. This is Trump’s executive order that bans travel to the U.S. from seven countries, several of which have Muslim majorities. They are Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.

Trump recently added six more — Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania.

After a tuna fish and warm milk lunch, and a two-hour nap, Biden on the afternoon of Day One, will take on Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut/reform that many believe helped revitalize the economy before the coronaviru­s struck. Biden said the tax cuts were “enormous giveaways to the top one-tenth of the 1%.”

“On Day One I will move to eliminate Trump’s tax cuts,” Biden vowed.

If he does not tire out during that busy day, he will as promised move to close Trump-induced tax loopholes in order to raise $500 billion that will go to help pay for universal health care.

“Every single person in the United States should have access to Medicaid right off the bat,” he said.

On that same day Biden, before dozing off, could send to Congress, as promised, a bill providing a path to citizenshi­p for 11 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. that he calls undocument­ed people.

He also would make it easier for DACA dreamers to become citizens as well. These are illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

“The day I get elected president I’m going to — Dreamers are going to be legalized, No. 1,” Biden said.

Ticking off his Day One to do list, Biden will then move to tear down the wall that Trump has built along the southern border to make it easier for more illegal immigrants to cross over from Mexico.

“Day One that wall that Trump goes on and on about comes down,” Biden said.

Before he did that, Biden could visit the border and channel President Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall in 1987. That was when Reagan, facing the Russians and the wall they built dividing Berlin, famously said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

Biden could go to the southern border and say, “Mr. Trump, tear down this wall.”

However, given Biden’s support of open borders, Biden would best make his demand on the Mexican side of the border. That way he can show leadership by heading the hordes of illegal immigrants, all new Democrats, into the country,.

That will be busy Day One — the longest day. Worn out, he can put on his slippers, go back to the basement and take the rest of the week off.

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