Sentinel & Enterprise

UML aces virus test


If there are any silver linings in that coronaviru­s cloud, you thank UMass Lowell for one of them.

While other colleges and universiti­es struggle to contain clusters of COVID-19 outbreaks on and around their campuses, UMass Lowell has reported only two positive tests since the beginning of the fall semester.

According to university officials, the combinatio­n of careful planning and the ongoing commitment of students and employees to conscienti­ously follow safety guidelines have been instrument­al in limiting the number of cases.

Those two positive tests were in the very first week of the semester when a limited number of students were just coming to campus.

Like many other college leaders, UML Chancellor Jacquie Moloney said she went into the fall semester not knowing what to expect, or how students would respond to the protocols put before them. She said the university “couldn’t be more proud of the students” and how they’ve conducted themselves on campus and in online classrooms.

With only two positive cases in about 5,500 tests conducted, the university has a 0.037% positivity rate — significan­tly less than the state’s 1.1% positivity rate as of Oct. 4. Moloney said it’s even more significan­t considerin­g the city of Lowell is currently classified as a “red zone,” or higher risk, community.

Normally, about 4,500 students would be in the residence halls, but this semester only about 700 are living on campus, Moloney said.

It’s rewarding to see college students taking this pandemic seriously.

Let’s hope they continue taking this responsibl­e course.

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