Sentinel & Enterprise

The fifth principle, and why it matters

- Lil Aareannelo HOpEFuL THINKING

In my own faith tradition, Unitarian Universali­sm, we have a series of seven principles that guide our actions and hearts. As this country steps forward into what will likely prove to be one of the most contentiou­s presidenti­al election weeks in our country’s history, the fifth principle, in particular, seems most relevant. The words of the fifth principle state that we affirm “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregati­ons and in society at large.”

The right of conscience. What is the right of our conscience? Does conscience have rights of its own? What is the conscience? Conscience is defined as “the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action.” Impelling one.

The fifth principle is insistent, demanding, impelling. And it knows its own worth. It does not have to be taught its own sense of right and wrong, nor does it need to be told it has a right to speak. It already knows. The right of conscience. The fifth principle invokes this right; it does not grant it.

True democracy occurs when we are not just tolerating the voice of another, but raising it up as equal to our own. It celebrates the tradition of communal response and diversity of thinking. It harkens us to the American motto: E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

One could look at the fifth principle among the other, more spirituall­y eloquent of the seven principles, and see it as one we might even skip over. For we live in a democratic society and country. Democracy is already a given here, right? But that attitude is mindless democracy. It is democracy won in vain and, therefore, vulnerable. To be given a right is not the same thing as exercising it. Do you exercise your right? Do you then also have wisdom in the use of it?

People often feel they have no value as individual­s. They feel they have nothing to contribute. They’re just one person. How can one person make an impact on anything? But choosing to value your own voice is an act of relationsh­ip and mutuality. It is an act of physical prayer that will have a ripple effect for you.

The fifth principle is as sacred as the sum total of all seven. Within it is contained an acknowledg­ment of each of the others: self-worth, justice, acceptance, truth, peace and respect.

It’s all about relationsh­ip. Democracy has no value in a vacuum. What good is a voice in the emptiness of space? Some of you may know that sound does not travel in the vacuum of space. We see and hear explosions in space in the movies, and they’re always loud, just as we might experience them on Earth. But in reality, an explosion in space would make no sound at all. Because sound there has nothing with which to relate itself. Nothing to vibrate against and thus pass along its vibration to another.

And much like that supernova, if we use our voices to shout in empty rooms, only the walls could applaud us. It is togetherne­ss that not only makes democracy valuable; togetherne­ss is the only thing that makes democracy exist.

Once we acknowledg­e that our voice is not only singular, but of extreme importance, and that we are being challenged to insist and demand that it be heard, what do we do with it? What is the responsibl­e use of our voice?

Our vote? Our feelings? Our beliefs?

So gimme a high-five today. Not because I may have moved you with these words, but because the five matters. And the action of giving someone a high-five is an affirmatio­n. High-five one another when you get the chance. And when it’s safe to do so, of course. Because we are here. We have built a country based on this principle. And the entire world has been moved by it.

We should be proud of what our freedom has brought us. And while it may feel as though our democracy is in the process of betraying us right now, I assure you it is not. Our democracy is more alive and well right now than it ever has been in its 244-year history.

We have the right to make change in our world. We have the right to abstain from war when we decide to be conscienti­ous objectors. We have the right to be civilly disobedien­t to the law, when the law is wrong. We may still be punished for breaking it, but we retain the human right to do so if it violates the rights of our conscience.

Participat­ing in the rule of law is not always easy. And we often find that we have to get into a bit of trouble first in order to make real change occur. We have to be brave enough to rock the boat once in a while. As well, we should pray for those whose violent revolution­s are, at this minute, occurring.

We have to have confidence that our voice is as valuable as our neighbor’s. Even more, we have to have the humility to acknowledg­e that our neighbor’s voice is as valuable as our own.

Recognize the freedoms we still do truly enjoy. Honor the fact that people have fought and died for our right to have a voice. And then, in their name, we must participat­e in the process of being counted. We must honor not only what they have given us through their sacrifice, but what we are inherently given by God: free will, free minds and free hearts.

Wil Darcangelo, M. Div., is the minister at First Parish UU Church of Fitchburg and of First Church of Christ Unitarian in Lancaster. He is the producer of The UU Virtual Church of Fitchburg and Lancaster on YouTube and host of the Our Common Dharma podcast series. Email wildarcang­ Follow him on Twitter @wildarcang­elo. His blog, Hopeful Thinking, can be found at www.hopefulthi­

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