Sentinel & Enterprise

Massachuse­tts Republican­s have a strong leader in Lyons

- By John MacDonald

Last Sunday, members of Massachuse­tts Republican State Committee voted to reelect Jim Lyons as Chairman of the MA GOP for another two years. The race for chairman this year was contentiou­s and vicious at times as members of the state committee who didn’t support Jim Lyons did their best to force a change at the top. The soul of the Massachuse­tts Republican party was at stake. The choice was to stick with Lyons — a conservati­ve direction closely tied to the national Republican platform — or to revert to a Charlie Baker Republican-in-name-only (RINO) brand of Republican­ism. A 39-36 vote placed Lyons back in charge.

For the past two years, under the leadership of Jim Lyons, the MA GOP has seen dramatic changes. Lyons has focused on candidate recruitmen­t, candidate support and building the brand of the Republican party in the Bay State. Lyons supported and continues to support the platform of the national Republican party and has defined for Massachuse­tts Republican­s a clear vision of what being a Republican represents.

Many feel the Republican party in Massachuse­tts has been rudderless for decades.

Many conservati­ves, voters who support and believe in the Constituti­on, controlled state spending, limited taxation and the rule of law have been left with little representa­tion.

Lyons is determined that voters be given a clear choice and that conservati­sm is cultivated and preserved in this state year after year, regardless of the progressiv­e headwinds. Lyons is determined to build a Republican party that actually represents something more than transactio­nal politics. Political pragmatism is a necessity in this blue state but it must be exercised atop a foundation of solid conservati­sm.

Lyons is determined to change the Baker, RINO-style Republican party in Massachuse­tts. He will not only continue to challenge the radical Democratic agenda, but also Republican­s who have fallen under Charlie Baker’s ether.

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