Sentinel & Enterprise

Man held on abuse prevention charge

- By Cliff Clark

Fitchburg man allegedly called woman he was ordered to avoid.

FITCHBURG » A city man was arrested Saturday after allegedly violating a court order to stay away from a woman by calling her repeatedly and was also charged with resisting arrest, according to police and court documents.

The woman who had an abuse prevention order against Francesco M. Gil, 25, of 129 Green St., called police on Saturday to report that he had called her multiple times from different numbers and during one call told her he was coming to her residence, the reporting officer said.

Because Gil was headed to her residence, she and her boyfriend left, but Gil saw them driving away and while the car was still moving, jumped on it and then off, prompting the woman to call police, the officer reported.

Officers then learned Gil had gotten inside the wom

an’s house, possibly carrying a knife, so when the officer responded to the address, he had his gun drawn and announced himself and as he entered the residence and went to one of its bedrooms, he spotted a large knife on the bed, the officer reported.

The officer eventually located Gil, who had been hiding, and placed him in handcuffs. As he was leading Gil out of the residence, he began to resist, refusing to walk down a flight of stairs and threatenin­g to kick officers who had arrived as backup, the officer reported, adding that Gil smashed his head against a storm door multiple times while in custody leaving him with a small wound on his forehead.

Once the officers got

him into the cruiser, Gil continued to throw himself around in the cruiser and bang his head on the window, the officer reported.

As a result, Gil was charged with violation of an abuse prevention order and resisting arrest, according to court documents. When arraigned, Gil, who pleaded not guilty, was ordered held in lieu of posting a $1,500 cash bail or $15,000 surety bond and ordered to stay away from the woman, according to court documents.

Gil had yet to post bail Tuesday afternoon and remained in custody at the Worcester County House of Correction, according to a spokeswoma­n for the Worcester County Sheriff ’s Office.

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