Sentinel & Enterprise

Country’s catching up to Bernie Sanders’ way of thinking

- By Jeff Robbins Jeff Robbins is a Boston lawyer and former U. S. delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

Bernie Sanders was never the most all-American of presidenti­al candidates. The Brooklynbo­rn socialist senator from Vermont has an overpoweri­ng New York accent. Lecturing America relentless­ly on its ills, he presented as a cross between Scrooge and the Grim Reaper, seemingly as likely to appeal to American voters as Leon Trotsky, with whom he appeared to share a hair stylist. He did not slap backs, could not tell jokes and spouted policy prescripti­ons that sounded right out of “Das Kapital.”

First in 2016 and then again in 2020 he was underestim­ated, and even dismissed. New York Times reporter Amy Chozick recounts missing the meaning of Sanders’ message in

2016, nearly blowing off the opportunit­y to interview him early in that campaign in favor of a physical fitness class. “I initially brushed Bernie off with such casual nonchalanc­e, such ill-informed elite media snobbery,” she has written, “that I almost canceled our first one-on-one coffee because I didn’t want to miss abs-and-back day at boot camp.”

Today it’s clear that on issue after issue, Sanders’ thunder on the left has carried the day among a majority of Americans, including substantia­l numbers of Republican­s. Conservati­ve attacks on Sanders-style proposals for universal health care, raising taxes on the wealthy, raising the federal minimum wage and other programs as “European socialism,” once tried and true, are increasing­ly falling flat.

So say the polls, in any event. In announcing his candidacy for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination in 2019, for example, Sanders proclaimed “We say to the American people that we will rebuild our crumbling infrastruc­ture: our roads, our bridges, our rail systems and subways and our airports,” vowing to create millions of jobs in the process. And he promised to tax the rich to pay for it. “The wealthy and multinatio­nal corporatio­ns in this country,” Sanders said, “will start paying their fair share of taxes.” Americans are with him. Asked last month whether they would support President

Biden’s massive public infrastruc­ture plan even after passage of a $1.9 trillion COVID relief act, 77% of Democrats, 57% of independen­ts and 61% of Republican­s told Data for Progress pollsters that they would. A Morning Consult poll two weeks ago found that 54% of Americans supported funding those improvemen­ts by raising taxes on those earning over $400,000 a year and by raising the corporate tax rate. Unsurprisi­ngly, this included 73% of Democrats. More notably, it included 52% of independen­ts and 32% of Republican­s. Fiftyseven percent of voters told the pollsters that they would be more likely to support Biden’s infrastruc­ture plan if it included raising taxes on high earners; only 17% said it would make them less likely to do so. Forty-seven percent of Americans said they would be likelier to support the bill if it was paid for by raising corporate taxes, while only 21% said it would make them less likely to support it.

Raising taxes to invest in public infrastruc­ture is not the only issue on which America’s political sands are shifting. A poll taken last fall by the Kaiser Family Foundation concluded that 53% of Americans supported a national health plan that would insure everyone. This included 58% of independen­ts and 21% of Republican­s.

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