Sentinel & Enterprise

Queen Elizabeth II’s husband laid to rest

- Dy Mani7a Wirka and Jill lawless

9inM4o5, NnRlAnM » Sitting by herself at the funeral of Prince Philip on Saturday, Queen Elizabeth cut a regal, but solitary figure: still the monarch, but now alone.

The queen sat apart from family members at the simple but somber ceremony in accordance with strict social distancing rules during the coronaviru­s pandemic. But if the ceremony had been for anyone else, at her side would have been her husband of 73 years, who gave a lifetime of service to the crown.

Wearing a facemask, the queen was dressed all in black, except for the diamond brooch that flashed on her left shoulder — a piece she had often worn on engagement­s with her husband.

The monarch’s four children and eight grandchild­ren sat in small groups nearby, during a strippedba­ck service at Windsor Castle that made their loss somehow more personal for people who often live their lives in public. The pandemic has put Britain’s royal family in the same position as many others, unable to give loved ones the sendoffs they would have wanted.

Just 30 mourners were allowed to attend the service for the prince, who died April 9 at the age of 99.

“We have been inspired by his unwavering loyalty to our queen, by his service to the nation and the Commonweal­th, by his courage, fortitude and faith,” the dean of Windsor, David Conner, said in his call to prayer. “Our lives have been enriched through the challenges that he has set us; the encouragem­ent that he has given us; his kindness, humor and humanity.”

Philip’s body was carried to St. George’s Chapel at the castle on a Land Rover that the prince himself had specially designed. It was followed by members of the Royal Family, including Princes William and Harry, who made their first public appearance together since Harry and his wife, Meghan, gave a controvers­ial interview to U.S. television host Oprah Winfrey in which they discussed the difficulti­es of royal life and how the two brothers had grown apart.

The procession traversed the grounds of Windsor Castle, passing military detachment­s arrayed under bright blue skies.

The nation honored Philip with a minute’s silence observed across the United Kingdom at 3 p.m., its beginning and end marked by a gun fired by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery. The final shot signaled the start of a funeral service steeped in military and royal tradition, but infused with the duke’s personalit­y.

Inside the medieval Gothic chapel, the setting for centuries of royal weddings and funerals, this service was quiet and without excessive pageantry. Philip was deeply involved in planning the ceremony. At his request, there was no sermon. There were also no eulogies or readings, in keeping with royal tradition.

Former Bishop of London Richard Chartres, who knew Philip well, said the 50-minute service reflected the preference­s of the prince, who was a man of faith but liked things to be succinct.

“He was at home with broad church, high church and low church, but what he really liked was short church,” Chartres told the BBC.

The monarch offered her own touches to the day. Ahead of the funeral, Buckingham Palace released a photo of the queen and Philip, smiling and relaxing on blankets in the grass in the Scottish Highlands in 2003. The palace said the casual, unposed photo was a favorite of the queen.

Earlier in the day, a few local residents left flowers outside the castle, though most people heeded requests from the palace and police to stay away because of the pandemic.

The funeral procession and the service itself took place out of public view, within the grounds of the castle, a 950-year-old royal residence 20 miles west of London. It was broadcast live on television.

The day’s events began at 11 a.m., when Philip’s coffin was moved from the royal family’s private chapel to the Inner Hall of Windsor Castle, where it rested until the procession began.

The coffin was draped with Philip’s personal standard, topped with his Admiral of the Fleet Naval Cap and sword. The sword was given to him by his father-in-law, King George VI, on the occasion of his marriage to the queen in 1947.

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 ?? WPA POOL / GETTY IMAGES ?? Members of the royal family follow the coffin of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, for his funeral Saturday.
WPA POOL / GETTY IMAGES Members of the royal family follow the coffin of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, for his funeral Saturday.
 ?? YUI MOK / AFP ?? Britain's Queen Elizabeth II sits alone in the quire of St. George's Chapel during the funeral service of her husband, Britain's Prince Philip.
YUI MOK / AFP Britain's Queen Elizabeth II sits alone in the quire of St. George's Chapel during the funeral service of her husband, Britain's Prince Philip.

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