Sentinel & Enterprise

Puppy love is going to the dogs

- Dear Annie Send your questions for Annie Lane to

DEAR ANNIE » My “Laura” is the light of my life. It has been more than a year since we found each other, but my whole body still shakes with anticipati­on every time I see her. Recently, though, I can’t help but feel a growing tension between us. This is my first real romantic relationsh­ip, and I know that I have a lot to learn, but Laura can be so critical of me.

As soon as she gets back from work, I can’t stop talking to her. I find myself following her around the house. I know she likes to have a second to unwind in silence. But I’m just so excited to see her that I always forget! The other day, she went so far as to hold my mouth shut. Then she said, “Honey, shut up.” It made me feel so small.

I don’t want to push my love away with my enthusiasm. But I also can’t help but be myself. Admittedly, I’m young and inexperien­ced. So maybe I’m too eager. But I just can’t hide the way I feel. And I guess I’m afraid Laura is turned off by my puppy love. Please, help me. What should I do? — Simply Smitten ceAR simpLy smitten » There’s love, and then there’s infatuatio­n. Your letter speaks more to the latter. For true love to grow between you and Laura, you must give it the room and time to do so.

To help curb your obsessive thinking, I encourage you to attend therapy and read “Codependen­t No More” by Melody Beattie. Develop your hobbies; spend more time with your friends; find work that excites you. Investing energy in yourself will not only boost your self-esteem but also make you more attractive to your girlfriend — a win-win.

Mama’s boy in middle

DEAR Annie » I’ve been in a relationsh­ip for three years with “Maddy,” a wonderful woman who has one child, “Joseph,” a 40-year-old who is a total mama’s boy (putting it lightly).

Joseph refuses to have anything to do with me. He has never once come to visit us at our home. Maddy goes to see him every year and usually stays a month. This year, she’s planning to stay six weeks. I’d love to go with her, but I’m not allowed because Joseph doesn’t want me in his house. So I stay home each time. He shows me no respect or even interest. He doesn’t seem to care at all how either of us is doing, really. Maddy simply accepts his behavior and tells me to get over it because he’s her only child.

I understand their connection, but I think she should think about me and my feelings, too. What should I do about this dilemma? — Unfortunat­e Boyfriend DEAR unfortunat­e WoygRienc » If the relationsh­ip is going to work, she’ll need to meet your concerns with more than a “get over it.” Let her know, in a nonaccusat­ory tone, that it hurts when she doesn’t seem to take your feelings seriously.

Make it clear that this is a major issue for you, without issuing ultimatums. Hopefully, she will work toward a compromise that shows she values your relationsh­ip. If nothing changes, then it might be time to move on.

 ?? Annie Lane ??
Annie Lane

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