Sentinel & Enterprise

2022 saw victory for mainstream Republican­s

- By Eli Lehrer

In many ways, 2022 might seem like it was a pretty bad year for Americans on the political right. After all, the year saw record budget deficits, spending bills loaded with corporate welfare, a legally dubious student loan scheme, and disappoint­ing election results for the Republican Party.

Despite all this, the year actually had a variety of genuine triumphs that people who believe in limited government ought to celebrate. The Republican Party learned some important lessons in the elections (if it listens), life opened up, markets showed their promise in solving major problems, while federal institutio­ns delivered a few important limited government victories.

Let’s start with elections. Fringe candidates lost while competent, limited-government advocates won. Take Georgia: Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has a long list of conservati­ve accomplish­ments in areas ranging from electoral reform to a bureaucrac­y-light effort to help the state’s poorest residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. He handily beat Democrat Stacey Abrams despite her smarts, celebrity and fundraisin­g acumen. In the same state, Republican Herschel Walker — who indulged in election conspiracy theories and drew little interest — lost a winnable Senate race.

The culture-warrior Republican­s who won races handily did so because they hadn’t forgotten to govern. Florida’s Ron Desantis, for example, pursued thoughtful policies on issues ranging from financial literacy education to environmen­tal protection. Voters remembered him for this. Meanwhile, mainstream conservati­ve Joe Lombardo unseated an incumbent Democratic governor in blue-leaning Nevada. Even the one Democratic governor who walked to an easy victory in a purple state — Colorado’s Jared Polis — governs with more than a dash of libertaria­nism. He supports free trade, stands for civil liberties and wants to eliminate state income taxes.

The recognitio­n that COVID-19 is endemic, rather than a pandemic, also presented a step forward for personal freedom. Since March 2020, the country has spent too much and forced counterpro­ductive “public health” measures ranging from plexiglass shields to mask mandates in uncrowded outdoor areas on many Americans. Even though some efforts like vaccinatio­n campaigns and short-term lockdowns did good, recognitio­n that “the pandemic is over” weakens the case for restrictiv­e rules.

The year also presented some tantalizin­g evidence that markets will address major problems without government interventi­on.

Massive new market- driven investment­s in cleanenerg­y—most of which would happen without the billions in subsidies Congress approved — are just one piece of evidence that the market will play a major role in dealing with the serious problem of climate change. Innovative private sector firms are doing everything from writing property insurance to storing nuclear waste. Even the (sometimes rightly) derided movement for improved Environmen­tal- Social- Governance behavior by big companies has produced some promising results in encouragin­g companies to take their environmen­tal effects into account without government coercion.

This doesn’t even begin to list the other limited-government triumphs that rightof- center Americans can appreciate. The year saw the Supreme Court rule to stop unelected bureaucrat­s from writing major new laws in West Virginia v. EPA and forbid (in one case unanimousl­y) discrimina­tion against religious organizati­ons. While some new legislatio­n passed that will continue to expand the government’s role, the last major new law to pass during 117th Congress — the Respect for Marriage Act — can rightly be counted as a triumph for personal liberty.

Overall, 2022 should go down as a pretty good year for those onthe political right.

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