Sentinel & Enterprise

Parent-child collaborat­ion is a time bomb

- By John Rosemond Visit family psychologi­st John Rosemond’s website at johnrosemo­; readers may send him email at; due to the volume of mail, not every question will be answered. This column was provided by Tribune News Servic

“What went wrong, John?” asked a fellow boomer who, like many folks my age, are dismayed at what has happened within the American family over our lifetimes. Specifical­ly, we have seen the end of mere childreari­ng and the consequenc­es to all concerned of this new and harmful thing called “parenting.”

In the 1960s, the forces of cultural deconstruc­tion began demonizing all forms of traditiona­l authority, including authority in and of the workplace, military, classroom teacher, and Constituti­onal government. Arguably the most significan­t demonizati­on involved the authority of parents.

Two bestsellin­g parenting authoritie­s of the late 1960s and ‘70s, family counselor Dorothy Briggs and psychologi­st Thomas Gordon, published books in which they advocated for families being democratic. They meant that children, even children as young as 2 or 3, should have an equal voice in family matters. No, I’m not exaggerati­ng. Read their books.

Unless you’re a baby boomer, you probably don’t notice how radical parenting advice of that sort has played out. Today’s parents are noticeably uncomforta­ble with being authority figures, for example. Note the ubiquity of parents who talk to their kids as if they are peers. They explain themselves to their children as if they are asking their approval.

They “problem-solve” with their kids, and they are especially diligent about asking their opinions, of course. Anything less is sure to destroy a child’s sense of being the most important human to ever live, as well as any chance he will ever have at becoming the first surgeon to perform a successful brain transplant. The operative word is “collaborat­ion.”

Parent- child collaborat­ion — a rebranding of “democracy” — is a centerpiec­e of the new way. In public, it’s a form of virtue signaling.

For example, two parents pushing a toddler in a shopping cart walk into the produce aisle of my default grocery. They look serious, and do they ever sound earnest. They’re asking the child: “Where do you want to go next?” and “Do you want to go down this aisle or that one?” and “What would you like for supper tonight?” and “Are you ready to go home now?” and “Which one of us should carry you?”

Why are they asking patronizin­g questions of that sort of a toddler? The answer, of course, is they are identifyin­g themselves as parents who are mindfully and intensely sensitive to their child’s feelings, which is utmost to being collaborat­ive.

Bless their big hearts; parenting progressiv­es of that ilk don’t realize they are setting precedents that are almost certain to come around and haunt them. Giving a young child the impression that nothing happens that is not to his liking, that he must approve of what his parents are doing, that they await and depend upon that approval to know they are doing the right thing, and so on, is almost certain to result in a child who refuses to obey instructio­ns and instead starts incessant arguments and tantrums. Let us not overlook the tantrums.

That time bomb often explodes during the early teen years, by the way. I’m just sayin’.

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