Sentinel & Enterprise

Biden’s handwritte­n notes part of classified docs probe

- By Zeke Miller, Colleen Long and Nomaan Merchant

President Joe Biden is a man who writes down his thoughts. And some of those handwritte­n musings over his decades of public service are now a part of a special counsel’s investigat­ion into the handling of classified documents.

It isn’t clear yet what the investigat­ors are looking for by taking custody of notes from his time as vice president and his decades in the Senate that were found in his Delaware homes in Rehoboth Beach and Wilmington.

Biden’s attorneys did not say whether the notes were considered to be classified, only that they were removed. But over his 36 years in the Senate and eight as vice president, Biden had a front-row seat to a lot of highly sensitive moments in U. S. history, including the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the 2011 death of Osama bin Laden and unfolding political turmoil in Ukraine.

The special counsel is working to determine how classified informatio­n from Biden’s time as senator and vice president came to wind up in his home and former office — and whether any mishandlin­g involved criminal intent or was unintentio­nal. But they’ll also have to determine whether the notes they took are considered personal and therefore belong to Biden, and would then likely be returned to him.

Under the Presidenti­al Records Act, records of a presidenti­al administra­tion generally belong with the National Archives, especially classified items. There are some exceptions, including when records are determined to be purely personal.

But even a handwritte­n note can be considered classified if someone is recording observatio­ns related to a classified document or briefing. Such notes can be deemed classified even if not marked as such.

Larry Pfeiffer, a former senior director of the White House situation room and chief of staff to retired CIA Director Michael Hayden, said that when he took notes during secret or topsecret meetings, he would mark each page by specific levels of classifica­tion.

“It’s pretty clear in those meetings when they’re hearing classified informatio­n,” he said. When Pfeiffer left the CIA, he submitted his notebooks to the agency archives.

Longtime aides say they believe Biden has been keeping personal diaries for decades, though the only public glimpse of them so far has come in Biden’s book “Promise Me, Dad,” which chronicled the thenvice president’s heartache and grief over his son Beau’s fatal cancer diagnosis.

In the book, Biden quotes passages written in his diary about Beau’s condition and death that were written on Air Force Two, in the vice president’s residence at the Naval Observator­y in Washington, and at his Wilmington home, as well as one jotted down as he weighed whether to run for president in 2016. In the book, Biden describes taking the notes as he navigated being a supportive parent for an ailing family member and largely maintainin­g his official schedule of meetings and calls.

He details how he had a secure phone installed at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston so he could work while he was there with his son as Beau underwent treatment. But he also wrote about his debate over whether he’d run for office in 2016:

“‘A lot happening,’ I wrote in my diary when I finally got some downtime in Wilmington the next weekend. ‘ Need to be careful it doesn’t get away from me. I need to slow down, ramp down my schedule.’”

It’s unknown whether handwritte­n notes may have been turned over to the Department of Justice by former Vice President Mike Pence or whether any of former President Donald Trump’s writings from his time in office was found during the FBI’S search of his Florida estate last year.

It was also unclear whether recent former presidents and vice presidents would make any of their personal notes written during their time in office available for review to determine whether they contained any potential federal records or informatio­n that should be classified.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? A new poll shows that more U.S. adults disapprove than approve of the way President Joe Biden has handled the discovery of classified documents at his home and former office. Yet that seems to have had little impact on Biden’s overall approval rating.
SUSAN WALSH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE A new poll shows that more U.S. adults disapprove than approve of the way President Joe Biden has handled the discovery of classified documents at his home and former office. Yet that seems to have had little impact on Biden’s overall approval rating.

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