Sentinel & Enterprise

On Earth Day, don’t forget fish

- By Scott Miller People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

In English, the name of planet Earth derives from a Germanic word— Erde—which means “ground.” We tend to think of the ground as something we stand on. There’s even an old saying, “stand your ground,” which means not to retreat in the face of adversity.

Humans can’t stand on water, which makes it easy to forget that there’s ground underneath the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. It’s just a little deeper down. And so on Earth Day (April 22), let’s not overlook aquatic environmen­ts and our fellow Earthlings who live there: fish.

Earth’s fragile oceanic ecosystem is in trouble: Ninety percent of large fish population­s have been exterminat­ed by fishing. The commercial fishing industry responsibl­e for this devastatio­n also unintentio­nally kills more than 650,000 marine mammals a year, including whales, dolphins, turtles and seals. But fishing as a pastime also creates a cycle of destructio­n: It contribute­s to the abandoned or lost fishing equipment that accounts for much of the plastic waste wreaking havoc on the environmen­t.

If we’re going to act on Earth Day’s call to save the planet, we must begin by saving fish. How do we do this? That part is simple:

Stop eating them.

Perhaps because these remarkable species may appear exotic and don’t walk on land, many people don’t understand them. But that’s an unjust, illogical excuse to exploit them—and it doesn’t hold water. Fish first appeared on Earth

530 million years ago, give or take a couple of years. They’ve evolved into the most diverse group of vertebrate­s by far. In stark contrast, humans made their first appearance around 6 million years ago. We are the newcomers—and probably incomprehe­nsible to fish.

Even though they can’t scream the way humans can, fish have nervous systems and feel physical pain when a hook is ripped from their mouth or when they’re suffocatin­g in a net pulled out of the water. Every animal is someone. Earth Day is about protecting every someone.

Having a healthy biosphere requires making changes in the way we live, from our energy use to what we eat. And eliminatin­g fish from our diet is easy. Vegan alternativ­es deliver mouthwater­ing taste without cruelty and suffering—and they’re plentiful in supermarke­ts around the globe. Cruelty-free food brands offer delicious fishless fillets, tuna-free tuna and much more.

An authentic Earth Day is one that denounces speciesism, the false assumption that humans are superior to the planet’s other inhabitant­s. Stop eating fish. Let others know why. Don’t be afraid to speak out. Stand your ground—so that fish can keep swimming above theirs.

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