Serve Daily

Make A Positive Impact

- By Chris Baird

Hello Friends,

This month on the Saturday before Thanksgivi­ng, The United States Congress, set that day as a day where friends and family of those who have died by suicide can join together for healing and support. The day is known as Internatio­nal Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Many in our community have family, friends, or other loved ones that have someone special they have lost. Let’s choose to be kind and make a positive impact.

On Thursday October 29th, I had the opportunit­y to join my wife Karen to stand outside of Salem Hills High School. Karen had painted two large poster board signs, one that said “YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE” and the O in love was a heart

the other said “NEVER GIVE UP” with yellow stars. She held the first and I held the second. For a while we stood together and then we distanced to reach more people and eventually were both on the corner of the exit and SR-198.

It was great to see that lives were impacted, students and parents said thank you, one student that stood out to me was in the back of a car and he used his hands to create a heart symbol, very touching. Buses honked, cars honked, people waved. Lives were brightened in that moment. Let’s make those moments more often in our lives and those around us. Find ways in your life to Make A Positive Impact in your life, your family, neighbors, and community. Many things are as simple as being kind. Opening a door for someone, smiling, holding a sign up to create moments of happiness, serving in times of need, taking food to someone that is stuck inside and so forth. Post positive images and thoughts on social media. Share your ideas on how to Make A Positive Impact with us via social media simply tag #ServeDaily via your posts and provide us and others with great ideas. May you have a wonderful November and much family time throughout the month and Thanksgivi­ng. As always, go out and find someone to Serve Daily, it’ll put a smile on their face and yours.

Until next time, find more great local stories in the remaining pages of this paper and visit our site at

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