Serve Daily

Stop, Challenge, Choose, Secret to a Healthy You

- By Amy Ellis (Ellis is a certified Independen­t Optavia Health Coach.)

Do you find that you are arguing with yourself? “I want to be healthy, but I also want that cookie!” First off, relax! You are just like everyone else! We have two competing sides of our brains at play:

Survival Brain: The main objective is to keep us alive, seek pleasure, and avoid pain. This results in wanting to eat large quantities of high fat, high sugar foods which will clearly sustain us in a famine or a war! This is great if we are in an actual famine or war. ;)

Logical Brain: The main objective of this part of the brain is to set and achieve goals. This is where we want to be healthy, live longer, and create good things in our lives.

So, what do I do when Survival is trying to run the show? First off, thank your brain! Hello, it is keeping you alive! Becoming more mindful of thoughts and which part of the brain it is originatin­g from is key! Use a technique from Dr. A’s Habits of Health book called, “Stop. Challenge. Choose.” Stop: Where is this thought coming from? Take a deep breath and create space between the thought and reaction. Challenge: Ask yourself, “Is this thought/impending action bringing me closer to my goals? What do I really want to create in my life?” Choose: Choose actions based on your logical thoughts (what really matters most)!

Creating the space between your triggers and your reaction is where your power lies to live a healthier life.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E Frankl.

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