Shelby Daily Globe

Winter falls prevention tips from Ohio Dept. of Aging


One in four Ohioans age 65 and older will fall this year, and the snow and ice of an Ohio winter increase those odds. However, most falls can be prevented by understand­ing your risk factors and being more aware of your surroundin­gs.

Dress Defensivel­y - Bundle up, but make sure you can see in all directions and move easily and freely. Wear sturdy shoes or boots with good treads. Wear sunglasses to reduce glare on surfaces.

Walk Wisely - Slow down and pay attention to how and where you’re walking. Allow extra time to get to where you’re going. Keep sidewalks and stairs outside your home clean of ice and snow, and keep cords and clutter out of walkways inside.

Pack Power - Carry a small baggie of salt, sand or kitty litter in your coat for traction on icy paths. Replace worn rubber tips on canes, walkers and crutches.

Keep Connected - Carry a cell phone and designate someone to call for help if you need it. Let loved ones know when you are leaving the house and when you expect to be back; call them after you return home.

Healthy Habits - Do some light stretching before you venture out. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydratio­n, which can affect your balance. Stay active all winter to maintain strength and balance.

In addition, take special care during wintry conditions to prevent falls:

Wear boots and shoes that fit properly and have soles with good traction;

Slow down and give yourself extra time to get where you’re going;

Make sure steps leading into your home have sturdy handrails that can support you if you slip;

Watch for slippery surfaces ahead of you – keep your head up and use your eyes to look down;

Don’t try to walk in more than an inch of snow – deeper accumulati­ons can cause you to trip;

Ask your health care provider about indoor exercises that can help you build and maintain balance, strength, and stamina when you can’t venture out;

Watch for tripping hazards in your home, such as blankets and cords;

Invest in extra lamps and brighter lights for inside and outside walkways and stairs; and

When in doubt, ask for help.

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