Shelby Daily Globe

Why are leaders blocking vaccine education?

- Cynthia Tucker

In Tennessee, where cases of COVID-19 are rising, the state’s top immunizati­on expert was fired for reminding teenagers that they are eligible for the vaccine and may legally get it without parental consent. After Republican lawmakers threw a hissy fit, the Tennessee Department of Health not only pulled back its outreach to teens for the COVID vaccine, but it also muted its outreach for other vaccines.

This may sound like something out of the Dark Ages, when people killed cats because they believed that Satan-loving felines were spreading the bubonic plague. But medieval Europeans who blamed cats at least had an excuse: They were ignorant of science and the basics of the spread of contagious disease. Tennessee lawmakers may be science illiterate­s, but they have no excuse for it. They are simply opportunis­ts without conscience.

Unfortunat­ely, this wretched response to COVID isn’t limited to Republican­s in Tennessee. The inimitable Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA., lead congressio­nal lunatic, has introduced a bill to fire the nation’s most prominent expert on infectious disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, who seems to be positionin­g himself for a presidenti­al bid, has bragged about his resistance to advice from public health officials. Desantis, a Trump ally, is selling merchandis­e with the slogan: “Don’t Fauci My Florida.” Meanwhile, as the delta variant spreads through the Sunshine State, cases of COVID-19 are soaring there. The rate of new cases is close to four times the national average, according to The Washington Post.

It seems the conservati­ve enterprise

Nicholas II and his family were executed by the Bolsheviks.

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