Shelby Daily Globe



The following content was made available due to the efforts of Shelby’s Marvin Memorial Library.

Wanted – An answer to the following problem is wanted. From a cask containing 256 gallons of wine, a certain quantity is drawn, and then it is filled with water; and then the same quantity of the mixture is drawn, and so on for four times, filling up with water at every draught, when 81 gallons of pure wine were found to be in the cask. How much wine was drawn each time?

Good – The roads are in quite good condition at the present time may they continue so.

Farmers at Work – The farmers are all busily engaged in preparing the soil for the reception of the spring crops; consequent­ly but few are seen in town these beautiful days.

Bowman Hall – Let none forget the rare treat that will come off at Bowman Hall tonight, and Friday night. Such a combinatio­n of talent has never appeared before a Shelby audience, and there will be something to please all respectabl­e tastes. Read the program, buy a ticket, and go early.

Euterpeans – Music hath charms to soothe the savage, split a rock, and burst a cabbage. Yes, the Euterpeans by their patience and beautiful [we had almost said ladies] singing, have at last accomplish­ed the work day laid out to do, that of buying one of the largest Organs in the County. Shelby should be proud of this Society. Success attends them.

Potatoes – Our friend J.S. Trimble presented us a few days ago with a nice lot of the celebrated potato, known as the Garnet, for which he has our thanks. They were raised by Mr. Trimble. The variety is “large, smooth, with full eyes, sound and healthy, an admirable keeper, always solid to the heart, of first quality and enormously productive, average yield on good rich soil, with proper culture, 400 bushels per acre.” A better potato for the table cannot easily be found, and this fact coupled with its great productive­ness, renders it a most valuable and desirable variety.

Newspapers – In a lecture upon newspapers, delivered in Philadelph­ia, by Rev. Dewitt Talmadge, he said: “I now declare that I consider the newspaper to be the grand agency by which the gospel is preached, ignorance cast out, oppression dethroned, crime extirpated, the world raised, Heaven rejoiced, and God glorified. In the clanking of the printing press, as the sheets fly out, I hear the Lord Almighty proclaimin­g to all the dead nations of the earth, ‘Lazarus comes forth,’ and to the returning surges of darkness, ‘Let there be light!’”

Attempted Burglary – An attempt was made on Saturday night to force an entrance into the Richland National Bank, in this city. The thieves had endeavored to force open the front door, and being unsuccessf­ul in this had then tried to remove a pane of glass. The noise they made awakened a couple of young men who slept in the Bank, who scared the thieves away. A dose of powder and ball, properly administer­ed, would have been a good thing. – Mansfield Herald

For Sale – A large and useful map. For particular­s, call the Post Office

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