Shelby Daily Globe

Chatting with Peyton Montgomery



Peyton Montgomery is currently a Senior at SHS. He graduates in May of 2023. Peyton is involved in extracurri­cular activities such as bowling and academic challenge. He is a very outgoing person that befriends almost anyone that speaks to him. Peyton surrounds himself with good people and holds onto all friendship­s he makes. I’ve known Peyton since eighth grade and have seen that he has really progressed as a person. Peyton seems to see that himself. In a questionna­ire, I asked Peyton if he could change anything in his four years of being in high school, what would it be?

Peyton: I wish I was more outgoing my first three years. It’s my senior year, and I’m just now breaking out of my shell. It has been an experience to remember and I wish I had started my Freshman year.

Not being as outgoing as most students when starting high school is not a bad thing, so don’t let it be discouragi­ng that you didn’t throw yourself out there. High school is a big change and a reality hit for most students because adulthood is around the corner. Peyton did surround himself with supportive people though, and having those reliable connection­s did influence him quite a bit, in a positive way though.

Me: Do you feel it’s important to have good people around you to support you as you’re going through high school?

Peyton: Yes. If the people you surround yourself with are actively discouragi­ng you, it’ll be difficult to make it through.

Peyton’s extracurri­cular activities do tend to stress him out, but he pushes through with a positive attitude and a smile.

Me: How do extracurri­cular activities affect you? Whether that be in a positive or negative way.

Peyton: I’m involved in bowling and academic challenge. It’s a fun time whenever I’m at either one. You get to hang out with your friends and do what you love. It can get a bit stressful if it stacks onto the rest of the work you have to do, but teachers and coaches tend to be understand­ing if you have too much going on and need a break.

Peyton is a very charismati­c person and is a very fun person to be around. He is a very kind and caring person, you can easily spark a conversati­on with him. Peyton Montgomery is definitely someone most teachers and students will remember.

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