Shelby Daily Globe

Senior Spotlight: Brody Miller


I sat down today with my friend Brody Miller and talked with him about his golf career and how it has helped him. He has golfed for the entirety of his high school career and has been a varsity athlete for over 3 of the 4 years.

Me: What do you miss most about the golf season?

Brody: The part that I miss the most is probably constantly being with all the guys out there on the course, and the friendship­s you make throughout the season. Also, knowing that I’ll no longer be on the team and sharing all those memories with them will definitely be something I miss a lot. Plus, the amount of practice time I spend on the course, like the 60 hours a week I spend practicing throughout the summer, and it’s just constant time with the guys.

Me: Do you think that now that you are done with golf that a hole of you will be missing?

Brody: I do feel like this because golf has helped shape the way I am as a person, and has taught me a lot, and a lot of my best friends have been made through the sport and a lot of what I do today is stuff through golf.

Me: What was your favorite memory from the season?

Brody: My favorite memory from the season would have to be beating Galion in the league meet. That has been something I have wanted to do since freshman year, and being able to do that really brought me a lot of happiness. Always being told Shelby’s second and that Galion’s the best and finally coming out there and beating them really put the cap on the bottle for my senior year.

Me: So people talking about how good Galion was really motivated you throughout your career?

Brody: Oh yeah I have been gunning for Galion since my sophomore year and like ever since I could drive I have been spending all day out at the golf course trying to get better to beat Galion.

Me: What was the most valuable thing that you learned while playing golf?

Brody: The most valuable thing I have learned is that when you get hit you gotta get back up like when you hit a bad shot or you can’t hit the green there is always a way it might just take a little bit longer.

Me: So sometimes you gotta go through the trees to get to the green but no matter what you gotta keep on going.

Brody: Yeah like the trees in golf are just there to knock you down but you always gotta get back up. If you’re having a bad day and can’t hit the ball straight there is always a way around something.

Me: Was there anything that you wish you would’ve done differentl­y in your 4 years of playing golf?

Brody: I definitely wish I would’ve applied myself more as a Freshman. My first year on the team I kind of just went in there and did it for fun. I didn’t actually start trying till I got my first varsity start towards the end of the season. But, I definitely wish I would’ve applied myself a lot more.

Me: So do you think the end result would’ve been better if you would’ve started training harder your Freshman year?

Brody: Yeah I think I would’ve been set up better throughout the end because I was still pretty good and really consistent, but I feel I could’ve been lower and helped the team out more.

Me: Do you think that by participat­ing in golf you are more ready for life after high school?

Brody: Uhm I definitely think I am more ready for life just because golf is a sport where you continue to make friends and you learn to talk to people you don’t know and you also learn to get to know them outside of golf.

Me: So you think you learned more about your social life and how to interact with others to help you in the workplace?

Brody: Yeah you learn a lot about social life and I have made a bunch of friends throughout different schools and in tournament­s and matches. Over the four years, I have hung out with a lot of my friends from golf outside of school and it has helped me build so many relationsh­ips.

Brody plans on continuing his education after high school to work at becoming a teacher.

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