Shelby Daily Globe

Quote for new springs discussed, special reports presented at Jackson Twp.

- From Shelby Daily Globe Staff Reports

Jackson Township Trustees held their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 20 where a quote for new springs in a truck was discussed and special reports were heard.

To get the meeting started, the approved meeting minutes stated Chairman Mark Wright called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Following, Fiscal Officer Marty Penwell presented the financial report which included the fund status and receipt reports. Trustee Randy Boyce moved to approve the financial reports as presented and Wright seconded. The financial reports were approved, the meeting minutes stated.

Moving forward, special reports were heard. Zoning Inspector JR Rice went over his report and it stated he issued a zoning permit for 2000 ft of fence on 2 parcels on East Smiley, attended the OTA Conference on February 8th and 9th, and will be out of state on vacation the first week of March, the meeting minutes stated.

Road Superinten­dent Kurt Stumbo was not present at the meeting but his report was presented and it stated he finished painting all conduit in the shop, attended the Trade Show in Columbus, had two burials at London Cemetery, buried dead deer on road, the Ontario Truck Center fixed the exhaust on the freightlin­er, plowed and salted several times, and got price on springs for the Ford F-550, the meeting minutes stated.

Boyce then moved to approve the special reports as presented and Trustee Kevin Alt seconded. The special reports were approved.

In new business, the meeting minutes stated Alt reported the 2011 F-550 needed new springs. Alt explained Stumbo received a quote from Ontario Truck Center for $2,403.65. Alt motioned to accept the quote and Boyce seconded. The motion passed.

During public input, Dave Yetzer asked the trustees what benefits the township receives by charging to issue zoning permits, the meeting minutes stated.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned.

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Shelby Daily Globe File Photo

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