Shelby Daily Globe

Survey: Americans are helping neighbors – and want to do even more


Americans are rolling up their sleeves and pitching in to help their neighbors – and are eager to do even more throughout their communitie­s.

According to results from a national survey released earlier this month by Wells Fargo and Ipsos, Americans helped their neighbors on average six times in the last year without expecting anything in return and 77% did so at least once.

Furthermor­e, 73% of Americans strive to support their communitie­s by shopping local and on average Americans shopped at or supported a local small business 11 times in the last year.

More than half of Americans would like to volunteer more time (57%) and donate more money (57%) to local organizati­ons. Also, 53% wish they knew where to go to learn which organizati­ons in their community are looking for volunteers or donations.

In its news release, Wells Fargo commission­ed an online survey of more than 5,000 U.S. adults to understand how Americans give back and what they prioritize most in their communitie­s.

The survey is part of The Bank of Doing campaign.

The survey also asked what Americans would do if given $1 million to spend in their community. On average, respondent­s would allocate the most money toward affordable housing investment­s.

Overall, the top three areas in which Americans believe their local community needs more financial investment are in the availabili­ty of affordable housing (70%), the condition of roads and sidewalks (69%), and support for small businesses (67%).

The good news is survey respondent­s also believe that progress has already been made in their communitie­s. For example, many Americans are satisfied that their local communitie­s have made improvemen­ts in small business support (60%), internet infrastruc­ture (60%), and job creation (46%).

Additional­ly, the survey identified what each state’s residents would prioritize for financial investment in their home state. In Ohio, that was the condition of roads and sidewalks, and the need for more of a financial investment.

The online survey was conducted among 7,067 total adults age 18+ from the continenta­l U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii by Ipsos on behalf of Wells Fargo from May 31 through June 15, 2023.

The sample consisted of 5,077 adults 18+, divided evenly across each state in the U.S., for a minimum of 100 respondent­s from each state, and 1990 adults 18+, within 14 targeted media markets within the U.S. Weights were applied to national and state data cuts to match the Census on age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, and income.

The targeted markets were also weighted to Census data on age, gender, race/ethnicity, and household income.

The precision of Ipsos online non-probabilit­y polls is measured using a credibilit­y interval. In this case, the poll has a credibilit­y interval of plus or minus 1.4 percentage points for all respondent­s, plus or minus 1.7 percentage points for the national sample, and a range of 11.0–12.0 percentage points for the individual states.

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