Shelby Daily Globe

Recipe: Baked Apple Chips


Ohio Healthy Home

Month: Cleaning to Control Lead Dust in the Home

Before you start:

1. DANGER! Pregnant women must not clean up lead dust.the dust can harm the developing baby.

2. Wear old clothing that can be washed.

3. Keep children away from the cleaning area.

4. DO NOT smoke or eat while cleaning.

Supplies you’ll need: rubber gloves, plastic trash bag, lint free disposable rags, spray bottle filled with water, plastic bucket, mop with washable or disposable cloth, water and cleanser and a HEPA vacuum (common household vacuums will spread the dust into the air).

Start by cleaning ceilings to the floor with rags. Start at the farthest corner of the room and work towards the door. Wash all surfaces with the detergent. Pour used water and cleanser down the toilet. Avoid throwing it in sinks, bathtubs or the yard. Mop one area in a room at a time by using cleanser water, followed by fresh rinse water. Change your water often when cleaning.

If you’re unable to complete a whole house cleaning, start with the danger areas in rooms where children spend time. The most likely danger areas are windows and doors.

Careful cleaning of areas that contain lead is very important. Lead dust collects on window sills, floors, walls and toys.

2 Tbsp white sugar 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon 4 Granny Smith apples, cored and sliced into very thin rounds

Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

Whisk sugar and cinnamon together in large bowl. Toss apple slices into mixture coating each side. Arrange apple slices in a single layer on prepared baking sheet. Bake apple slices until browned and just crisped, about 2 hours. Cool completely and enjoy!

Exercise: Take your kids or dog to the park and enjoy!

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