Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Mayberry yearns for Andy

- Randy Rowlan

Mount Airy, N.C., is the hometown of actor Andy Griffith. Today the town looks like it did when the television show that bears his name was popular. Tourism is huge with places the show made famous such as Floyd’s barbershop.

A popular saying in the town today is “We’re not in Mayberry anymore.” Many wish they were living in that 1950s town before the textile mills, the tobacco industry and the furniture mills faded resulting in economic decay along with what many view as social decay. Mayor David Rowe, 72, jabs his finger at the leather Bible on his office desk and says, “’Now it’s about secular progressiv­ism, not the values you get out of this book,’ such as honesty and hard work.”

Many yearn to be in another time or place in their lives; a time they remember being better than life today. However, there is never a time or place without problems, not even in the real-life Mayberry. The ’50s were a place where African Americans sat in the balcony to watch a movie and drank from separate water fountains than whites in the local Sears store. It was a great place to live then and now, but most realize it was not and is not perfect.

Reality is sometimes hidden. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight,” however. It is time to not just examine Scripture, but to let Scripture examine us. God’s Word is “living and active.” “It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

The soul, is the essence of life. All living things possess soul; it is physical life. William Barclay teaches that in Greek, the pneuma, the spirit, “is that which is characteri­stic of human beings. It is by spirit that we think and reason and look beyond the earth to God.” Thoughts reflect the intellect even as attitudes reflect human emotions. It seems the Word of God tests our physical and spiritual life, as well as what we think and feel. God will be honest with us, if we are willing to be honest with ourselves as we look into Scripture and allow Scripture to examine us and reveal the findings.

When you want to know what kind of person you really are, read the Bible. Do not just examine it, let God through His living Word examine you. Read it, understand its meaning, ponder how it is applicable to your life, then ask God what He sees and listen to what He says through the power of His Holy Spirit to you.

Who does not want a better life? Do not look back. Look to God.

— Dr. Randy Rowlan is pastor of First United Methodist Church. Comments are welcomed at randyrowla­ The opinions expressed are those of the author.

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