Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Hello, again

- DEVIN HOUSTON — Devin Houston is the president/CEO of Houston Enzymes and the son of former Herald-Leader columnist Louis Houston, who died in April 2017. Send comments or questions to devin.houston@ The opinions expressed are those of the auth

At the urging of many in our fair town (OK, two persons, but still…) I’ve decided to take a crack at writing again. Some of you may miss my father’s column. I can tell you right now that my writing will most likely cause you to miss his even more. But that’s all right. I am my father’s son, but I am not my father and cannot fill the space he left in life or in this journal.

And that is how it should be. Writing should be unique to and representa­tive of the writer. My experience­s and perspectiv­e are different from those of my father so the stories will be different. But I can give you clues as to what to expect when reading my drivel.

I am a scientist by education and trade. I am terminally educated meaning that I have a doctoral degree in biochemist­ry, not a fatal disease. This may place me in the category of an “intellectu­al elite,” but those who know me well can vouch that I am neither an intellectu­al nor elite. I knew at a very early age that I would be involved in the sciences in some manner. I love discovery. Untangling the meaning in books, wondering how a clock works, or what happens when you combine grapefruit juice with your brother’s glass of milk were some of the drivers in my childhood. I also learned consequenc­es from discovery, such as having to drink said grapefruit concoction as punishment. But those contributi­ng to the stores of knowledge often endure persecutio­n, hence I suffered gladly.

Scientists are actually quite funny people and many amusing incidents occur in the laboratory. The combinatio­n of curiosity, availabili­ty of lab rats, various toxic chemicals and high quantities of caffeine often results in high jinks and hilarity plus occasional disciplina­ry measures from department heads.

I enjoy arguing for the sake of argument. I will at times take a position that I don’t personally hold in an attempt to see the other side of the argument. Do not put me in a box. Predictabi­lity is boring. So if I write something that appears extreme or not part of this community’s standards it is only because I believe in stretching one’s self in an attempt to understand another’s viewpoint. Keep that in mind before sending the scathing email or firebombin­g my house. I write to cause thinking. If you want only that informatio­n with which you agree then look elsewhere and be assured, you have my sympathies for your one dimensiona­l life.

As I am not yet retired, writing may take a back seat to making a living. I will strive to provide material but the well may run dry at times. Do not despair or celebrate if my column is absent, it will eventually return. I refuse to write just to take up space on a page. “Quality over quantity,” I always say. The quality part may be debatable, though.

So, “Hello, good to see you again!”

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