Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Cowboy Code, part 2 — Being kind to animals


There has been in the news these last few months, both nationwide and here in


County, quite a few cases of animal cruelty. Many states, and I believe Arkansas is one of them now, have changed their laws to where animal cruelty is now a felony in some cases.

There is a special bond between a cowboy/cowgirl and their horse. There are usually special bonds between anyone and a pet they love.

It pains me greatly to see a dog (or any animal) chained to a tree or living 24/7 in a cage (like some puppy mills), with no shelter in winter or summer, ignored most of the time and fed occasional­ly, (when their owner remembers) and yet no matter how abused, neglected or hungry they may be, they will pick up their head, wag their tail, eyes full of hope, for just a bit of attention from their owner. I can’t think of any animal (including

From: Robert Honderich Gravette

humans) that set a better example of Jesus’ — unconditio­nal love.

I have heard a couple of people in my lifetime say that the Bible says animals don’t have souls.

However, I have not been able to find where in the Bible it says that.

What I did find in my search is where it says in Genesis 9:9-10 about how God made a covenant with Noah and ALL living creatures.

And in Ecclesiast­es 3:1921 where it talks about the kind of animals the Hebrews could eat and those why were not supposed to eat and it goes on to say that they were not supposed to eat the blood of any animal. We find in the writings of the official Jewish historian of Jesus’ day, Josephus — (the antiquitie­s of the Jews Book 3, chapter 11, verse 2) — that this rule existed because it was believed that the “soul and spirit of the animal was contained in the blood.”

We know from the book of Isaiah and Revelation that there are horses in heaven (great news cowboys/cowgirls) and the part about how the lamb will lie down with the lion and the lion and ox will eat straw together. So God obviously treasures the lives of all his creation. Proverbs 12:10 tells us about how we are to treat animals and how cruelty to animals is wrong.

Also in Jonah, chapter 4 verse 11 GOD says, “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than 120 thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left and ALSO many animals?”

Animal cruelty should not take place if man truly understand­s God’s command to be caretakers of the earth.

And as far as we know, only humans were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

The Rev. Billy Graham once said, “God has prepared a place for our perfect happiness in heaven and if that means my dog being there, I believe he will be there.”

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