Siloam Springs Herald Leader

Get plenty of sips, shade this summer

- By Siloam Springs Regional Hospital

Your son is practicing for high school football in 100-degree heat. Your daughter is spending her summer lounging in the sun. You walk every evening after work. During the hottest months of the year no matter what activity calls you outside, take precaution­s to protect your family and yourself.

However, if abnormally large amounts of water are lost through fever, diarrhea, vomiting or long periods of exercise, dehydratio­n can occur. Learn to recognize the signs of dehydratio­n and prevent it with the following tips from the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Signs and symptoms

• For infants, fewer than six wet diapers per day (more than four to six hours without a wet diaper in an infant younger than 6 months of age).

• No urination for six to eight hours in children.

• Dry mouth (looks “sticky” inside).

• Dry, wrinkled, or doughy skin (especially on the belly and upper arms and legs).

• Inactivity or decreased alertness.

• Excessive sleepiness or disorienta­tion.

• Muscle cramps.

• Deep, rapid breathing.

• Fast or weakened pulse.

Stay hydrated

Getting kids to stop long enough to take a drink might be difficult, but it will help prevent dehydratio­n, especially if they drink water. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that athletes (or anyone) stop every 30-45 minutes for a drink. No matter what your activity, if you spend time in the sun, drink plenty of fluids the entire time.

Prevent heat-related illness

These three common heat-related conditions can strike you without warning.

• Heat cramps — These are painful muscle contractio­ns, usually in the hamstrings, caused by heat, dehydratio­n or poor conditioni­ng. They usually improve with rest, drinking water and a cool environmen­t.

• Heat exhaustion — A result of excessive heat and dehydratio­n, the signs of heat exhaustion include paleness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and fainting. Rest and water may help in mild heat exhaustion, but more severely exhausted patients may need IV fluids, especially if vomiting keeps them from drinking enough.

• Heat Stroke — Heat stroke is a medical emergency. Victims have warm, flushed skin but do not sweat. They also typically have a high temperatur­e and may be delirious, unconsciou­s, or suffering seizures. If you see signs of heat stroke in someone, call 911 immediatel­y.

The emergency room at Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is here for you and your family 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To learn more about our services, visit NorthwestH­ today.

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