Siloam Springs Herald Leader

No bones about it: Osteoporos­is affects men, too


Men build more bone than women, but that doesn’t make them immune to osteoporos­is. That’s why it’s important for both genders to adopt bone-healthy habits as they age. Men and women typically reach peak bone mass around the same time, ages 25 to 30, though men achieve a higher peak mass. Around age 40, both sexes begin losing bone mass, with the process accelerati­ng for women after menopause. By age 65 or 70, however, men catch up, and they lose bone mass at the same rate as women, according to the National Institutes of Health. That can put them at risk for osteoporos­is, a condition that makes the bones weak and more likely to fracture.

Men, prioritize your bone health

To help protect against breaks, try making these lifestyle changes:

• Ask your physician about the medication­s you take. Glucocorti­coids – steroids that treat asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions – are one of several types of drugs that can cause bone loss.

• Get recommende­d amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Bones are reservoirs of calcium, which is vital to the body, and vitamin D helps bones absorb the calcium. Men need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day through age 70, and 1,200 milligrams from age 71 on, according to the Institute of Medicine. Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and calciumfor­tified foods and beverages. Men need 600 internatio­nal units (IU) of vitamin D through age 70, then 800 IU starting at 71, according to the IOM. Sunlight is a major source of vitamin D, but it’s also present in egg yolks and certain fatty fish, and some foods and juices are fortified with it.

• Inquire about supplement­s. If you think you don’t get enough calcium or vitamin D from natural or fortified sources, ask your physician about taking a supplement.

• Keep an eye on your testostero­ne level. A certain amount of testostero­ne loss is normal with age, but if the decrease is sudden, it may contribute to osteoporos­is.

• Kick the habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse are linked with a higher risk of fracture.

• Finally, partner with your physician to monitor your bone health. If you’re at risk for osteoporos­is, he or she may order a noninvasiv­e test called dual-energy X-ray absorptiom­etry or DXA scan to measure bone mass at your hip and spine.

If you’re age 50 or better, and your physician has recommende­d adding a bone density screening to your yearly physical, be sure to follow through. Osteoporos­is is often referred to as a “silent disease,” due to its common occurrence and invisible symptoms. You can learn if you have osteoporos­is

through a quick and painless test that measures bone mineral density – sometimes called BMD. Siloam Springs Regional Hospital’s imaging team can determine BMD with speed and precision fea

turing high-quality images with our DXA technology. Speak with your provider to schedule your screening today.

Holding up well

Your bones need exercise, and there’s one type that’s especially beneficial to them: weight-bearing. Bones can seem static, but they’re not – they’re living, changing structures that respond to the stress you place on them.

When you require your bones to bear the body’s weight, the effort of fighting gravity forces them to create more cells and boost their density, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedi­c Surgeons.

In other words, bones get stronger with exercise. Another great thing about weight-bearing exercise is that it’s highly accessible. Just about any activity in which you’re on your feet and in motion, from running and racquetbal­l to hiking and dancing, fits the bill.

Be sure to talk with your provider before starting an exercise program. Need a physician? Visit today to find a provider near you.

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