Soap Opera Digest

bold and beautiful



With Taylor back in town, a worried Liam talks to Bill about the potential danger of her being around Kelly. Bill assures his son that Taylor is no danger to his family, and says that he’ll keep a close eye on her.


Brooke is shocked when Hope reveals that Taylor shot Bill. Brooke confronts Taylor. As they address their complicate­d past, Brooke accuses Taylor of being unstable, and questions if she should be in Kelly’s life. Taylor begs Brooke to keep mum about the shooting, and insists she isn’t a threat to anyone.

Brooke hightails it to Bill’s and tells him she knows about Taylor. Bill stuns Brooke when he explains that he didn’t press charges because he gave Steffy his word that he would not, and reminds Brooke that he is a changed man due to her.


Quinn observes Donna and Pam having a tiff and expresses her irritation to Eric, who calms her. As part of her plan, Pam persuades Donna to model a sexy outfit for Eric, and keeps Quinn at bay so they can be alone. Quinn catches on and gets upset.


Steffy freaks out that Hope blabbed to Brooke. Steffy quickly fills in Ridge, who offers his support. Later, Brooke and Ridge realize that they each know that Taylor shot Bill, and have very different reactions to the news. When Brooke is miffed at how protective Ridge is of Taylor, he reminds her of the complicate­d ties between their families.


Steffy throws a party for her staffers to celebrate the Intimates line success. There, Reese meets Taylor and they hit it off. After Taylor shares some of her and Brooke’s colorful history with Reese, she texts Ridge and asks if he can meet with her and Steffy. The text annoys Brooke. Meanwhile, an interested Reese questions Zoe about Brooke.

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