Soap Opera Digest



■ Obrecht takes possession of another potentiall­y lucrative bargaining chip when she forces Nelle to ’fess up to swapping her live son with the deceased boy Brad and Lucas were poised to adopt.

Back at Pentonvill­e after her short stint in Ferncliff, Nelle is caught off-guard when Obrecht comes to see her. “Obrecht is the last person she assumed would come visit her in prison,” sets up Chloe Lanier (Nelle). “Obrecht did deliver her baby, but Obrecht’s involvemen­t is the last thing on Nelle’s mind. So, she’s like, ‘What are you doing here? I’m so confused. Are you lost?’ Obrecht goes on a little tirade and makes a joke about how when we first met, she was in a Pentonvill­e uniform, and now Nelle is — an ‘Oh, how the tables have turned’ kind of thing.”

Quickly, Obrecht steers the conversati­on to the baby. Explains Lanier, “She tells Nelle that Maxie mentioned how Michael was in mourning over the loss of his son and she says something along the lines of, ‘I remember delivering a perfectly healthy baby.’ For Nelle, of course, that is 100 percent an alarming moment.” As their conversati­on unfolds, “She pushes Nelle in the direction of a confession and Nelle recalls the night she ran into Obrecht and what happened after they parted ways, what transpired between her and Brad. She tells her the whole story of the baby switch.”

Obrecht’s reaction is more of a nonreactio­n. “She doesn’t really respond,” the actress says. “And Nelle is very confused about what’s in this for Obrecht. If she goes and tells the cops what happened, well, she’s equally as responsibl­e and complicit in the crime, in Nelle’s mind. But I think at the end of the day, it’s really heartbreak­ing for Nelle. Nothing is really going her way. She’s in jail, she’s still pining away, trying to figure out a way to bring Carly down, and then this woman comes in and gives her this terrible news that now someone equally as untrustwor­thy, someone that she knows isn’t going to have her back, knows her secret.”

Nelle implores Obrecht to keep her mouth shut. “She’s like, ‘You have to leave my son with Brad and Lucas. You can’t take my son away from his loving guardians.’ I really believe that Nelle wants her son to be with Brad and Lucas, considerin­g the fact that she thinks they will be way better at parenting than Michael would be. I mean, how many times did that guy forget ELQ meetings? He’s unreliable! So unreliable.”

But rather than offer reassuranc­e, Obrecht leaves her hanging. “She basically gets what she came for and then leaves,” sighs Lanier. “She says, ‘I think the truth is better left unsaid — until one really needs it.’ And then she walks out. And Nelle is gutted.”

 ??  ?? Jailhouse Rocked: Nelle (Lanier, r.) spills her secret to Obrecht (Kathleen Gati).
Jailhouse Rocked: Nelle (Lanier, r.) spills her secret to Obrecht (Kathleen Gati).

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